Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wrong god's: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Those who have violence and warfare in their minds. Those who have anger and hatred in their hearts. Those who have self pride and an air of arrogance in their spirit. May never know what GOD reveals and may never get close to GOD as their Heavenly Father. 
Th crusades was a sin against GOD. The Christian Crusaders used violence and warfare against those who held Jerusalem. The Christians used anger and hatred as a motivational force to expel those who held Jerusalem. Only good things comes from GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather. Human wars are caused and created by humans who thirst for power and glory. Human wars are planned and started by the ruling humans own selfish interests and exploitations.
One must always know. You cannot go to war without first having your war machine created, built, prepared and in the ready. So, an evil leader must create the illusion of a threat so as to cause everyone to work for the common goal for peace, safety and security. The threat is often deemed as less than human, savages and barbaric. The essential truth is your leader is the one who is thirsty for blood as he anticipates counting His new lands, new resources and new wealth. The common people are the ones who fights and dies. The common people have never profited from any victorious war save for the crumbs that have fallen off of the rulers table and is still taxable.
Become a holy and righteous person who does not need any ruling authority.
 If you only pray to GOD. Begin to meditate to GOD.
 If you pray the required words of prayer. Pray to ALLAH on your own and by your own words. Then Meditate to ALLAH.
Just as each of us are sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. Talking to the HOLY FATHER can be done by any son or daughter. Just as your own sons or daughters speak to you.
Prayer is you talking to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.
Meditation is you Listening to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER.

Should you not do both? Is it not rude for a child to talk to their own parents and then not listen to them at all.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Fresh Empty: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Letting out all of your dirty ugliness will leave a empty clean you behind. Ready to be filled with a new fresh beautiful you. 
This is a hope and a promise. Often times a person who flees from a wrong life or from an addiction. Often returns back to it. There is of course a myriad of reasons for this. There can be great acceptance from those who live wrongful lives and lives of addiction. It is a permanent welcoming committee just for you. Cheers.
Where as those who are living good and correct lives are less accepting of just anyone. This seems counter intuitive but is in fact a protection mechanism for the whole. It takes time to unlearn behavior which is unclean and impure.  Unlike learning wrong and sinful lifestyles which takes a short period of time to learn. Then when your own guilt's wane is when you know that this life style is become a DE-evolutionary aspect in your life. Which means if you change or decide to change back to what you once were. You will have to work at it, just to get back to where you originated. It is like getting lost in your vehicle. You have to back track or retrace your incorrect actions to get to that point where you deviated wrongly.
When you leave the life of ugliness and dirtiness. You can feel empty and alone. This is when you can become clean and renewed. From this clean and renewed emptiness you can refill it with righteous and holy living. This takes time and effort. Where returning to that bar and lifestyle is easy and the people always welcoming. Returning to that bar or lifestyle  may even allow you to become a better sinner or a better addict. But, That path is one you have been down before. That is a road in which the final destination is certain.
A beautiful life and a beautiful you will not be found on any commonly used highway.

Continued Evidence: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

After every darkness there will be light. The life cycle of all of creation is evidence of the perpetual continuance of all. 
The darkness of death can be very disheartening. You the survivor may even feel much despair and have thoughts that somehow you could have or should have done more. Please know. That how everything is in your here and now is as it must be. You are who you are because of all of the things which happened in your life's history. Take nothing away and remain who you are now. Become who you should be through your decisions and actions today.
From the pains of death is similar to the pains of birth. After of which is continuation. There is always continuation even in after death. Which is the beginning of the after life. There is always continuation. Can you find solace in this? Probably not right now. Maybe eventually?
I can only tell you and relay to you what I know to be true. From the darkness of death there is always a transition into the light of renewed life. The darkness should not be feared. Especially when you are already clothed in light.
Think about this.
Even though your loved one has gone from this linear time line. You can still be the one to welcome them into the heavens. How? This is the science of time. In the Heavens. All that is-is beginning, is on going and has already ended. So, when you pass from this life. You can then go to any time of this worlds life. So, this means that you can be there when your loved ones passes from this life or when they were born into it. Why and how? Because you are already there. Just as you were already there before you were born and will be there again after your bodies death.
Just know they are OK. You are OK and its always going to be OK.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA




Separation isolation: (Unedited): 04 May 2010:

It is typically governments, religions and cultural beliefs that separates and isolates us from becoming one human family. C.J.MacKechnie 
People of power and authority want their own selfish piece of the pie. The tools they each use is not garner unthinking followers. Then to continue to separate and isolate the blind believers from the unthinking followers.  The blind believers will be rewarded for their individual sacrifices.
These tools are of course political, religious, national, social, educational, wealth, cultural and race. There is even further separation of peoples because of certain physical characteristics.
We are one human race, one family and one people created by the single GOD of many names.
A righteous and holy people. Do not need governance from any authority save GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather.

Wolf Does: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

There is no lie or deception of the wolf who is dressed and acts as the wolf does. 
A person cannot be surprised to realize that a snake will bite or constrict. A person who tries to walk with bears will get mauled. A person who gets trampled by large beasts can be of no great surprise either. Swimming with Alligators or crocodiles may get you eaten. Running with the lions will get you eaten. When presented with the truth do not think it is not the truth. Apes and chimps are not pets or human like. Do not be surprised when they attack. They are animals and not people. If you die and the food runs out. You pets will begin to eat you. Really.  Research YouTube videos if you believe me not. Real life truth.
  Any animal does not have to verbally tell you that they are this particular animal for you to believe they are that animal. You just know. Which may seem obvious. But, for some people they need to be reminded.
With people it can be confusing. With belief systems, Religions, political systems and cultural systems it can be confusing. A bad person who is deceiving may wear the garments of religions or the suits of a politician. From their mouths you may be deceived but from their actions you shall not be. Witness the whole action not just the parts in which was intended for your viewing. A lie or a deception can be clothed in a fabric of truth.
People of power and authority are not servants to the masses or to the people. They only serve themselves or sell themselves to the highest bidder. Which makes them prostitutes. Possibly even the prostitutes as prophesied in the End times Bible prophecy.
If you are a Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Jew or a dedicated person of any other religion which teaches righteousness and holiness. You do not need any authority over you save GOD/GRANDFATHER or however you name the divine. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Slave Speak: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

When you begin to cheapen the language of your Country. You begin to speak and sing as uneducated slaves. Don't become surprised when you and your children become a different name that will have the same meaning as slave with a smile on it. 
The demise of your language. The refusal of your young to seek education.The basic difference between a freeman and a slave is education. An educated person cannot be a slave. The owners and masters will always fear the educated slave. Research the American slave born on 02 Oct. Nat Turner.
Content moved from: International Safe Zones prophecy: (Unedited): 12 Sept 2012:

-----------------begin copy------------------ When Douglass was about twelve years old, Hugh Auld's wife Sophia started teaching him the alphabet despite the fact that it was against the law to teach slaves to read. Douglass described her as a kind and tender-hearted woman, who treated Douglass like one human being ought to treat another. When Hugh Auld discovered her activity, he strongly disapproved, saying that if a slave learned to read, he would become dissatisfied with his condition and desire freedom. Douglass later referred to this statement as the "first decidedly antislavery lecture" he had ever heard.[15] As told in his autobiography, Douglass succeeded in learning to read from white children in the neighborhood and by observing the writings of men with whom he worked. Mrs. Auld one day saw Douglass reading a newspaper; she ran over to him and snatched it from him, with a face that said education and slavery were incompatible with each other.
He continued, secretly, to teach himself how to read and write. Douglass is noted as saying that "knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom."[16] As Douglass began to read newspapers, political materials, and books of every description, he was exposed to a new realm of thought that led him to question and condemn the institution of slavery. In later years, Douglass credited The Columbian Orator, which he discovered at about age twelve, with clarifying and defining his views on freedom and human rights. -------------------------End copy--------------------

The seemingly typical young American student today is more interested in social activities than in their own education.  Which is the sole guarantee of their own freedom from slavery. GOD guarantees freedom as well, But a person must live in accordance to HIS laws by choice.
The American Student seem to also believe that cheating is an acceptable practice. Cheating is proof of the loss of nationalistic honor and righteousness.
Laws passed outlawing education to a slave.  Only the uneducated can be enslaved.

Will NOT be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Sunday, September 9, 2012

Protected Ones: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

As man (Humanity) willingly marches into the abyss of extinction. There will be the protected ones of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER. Those people who have kept the laws of YHVH  in their minds. Those who have kept ALLAH precepts of Peace. Those who have kept GODS love and compassion in practice. Those who live as Grandfather wanted. Those who Honor the Holy Spirit. Those who humble themselves as Jesus Christ had.
These common people who are the salt of the Earth. These protected ones are each an Israelite of Israel. Bound and governed not by any government or religion of man. No matter how they name the ONE. The ONE chooses and selects the protected ones as HE does. Just as the Hebrews were divinely protected during their 40 year march with Moses. So to will the protected ones be.
The protected ones are already living a righteous and a holy life. They do so without fear, intimidation or threats from any government or religious authority. The protected ones live their lives in accordance to the laws of GOD. Not because it is the laws of GOD, which it is. Not because of the promise of eternal hell fires damnation. These protected ones live a holy and righteous life simply by choice. Because, the protected ones can see the logical truth. The protected ones make the right and correct decision to live righteously. It is that simple.
If there is to be a rapture or a few raptures. These protected ones will be the chosen ones who will be raptured. If there is to be a rapture. As such, The few missing will not be seen as a missed rapture. The rapture will be deemed a non event. Especially here in the USA or soon to be former USA. Watch for the clergy of all denominations to ease their churches minds and spirits. How those were wrong in the per-tribulation rapture predictions and then the mid-tribulation rapture predictions and then the post tribulation rapture predictions.
What will likely happen. Is those selected to be the protected ones. Will have to heed the call to "go". Then they must choose to simply "go" by faith. In that unknown direction of GODS gentle whispered wind. Many of the protected ones will not choose to "go". Then they will have to endure to the end. While walking inside the breath of GOD. They will be continually tested. In which they pass on to the next test or become a pillar of salt. There will be those protected ones who will feel an incredible need to love and express great compassion to those suffering. Many will choose to exit the breath of GOD. To appear to the suffering as one who came out of nowhere. They may not be able to return into the breath. This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing. For Jesus willingly gave his life.

Church warning
Save GODS flock.
Save GODS sheep.
You must teach the whole of the laws of GOD. You must teach and stress the importance of holy and righteous living. You must teach direct connectedness to GOD. You must teach the path to holiness was made by Jesus Christ. You must teach that HE is GOD but HE is the Heavenly Father to his children. You must teach Jesus Christ is their brother. Gods flock and sheep must immediately live righteously. All without Threats, fears, intimidation or promises of woes.

The word church is all encompassing. Also, means Mosque, Temple, Synagogue, Religious school or any other place of divine worship.
No ink and no other copies exist.
I write this knowing full well. That I may not even be one of the protected ones. I can hope and pray. There will be much more of a requirement to be selected.
My use of "Pillar of Salt" is not an actual occurrence it is merely a for instance of what could happen or may happen. That is up to GOD.
An Islamic person who willingly submits to ALLAH is Israel.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Less Than Human: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

When you allow others to call you dehumanizing names. Don't be surprised when you yourself become less valuable than a human slave. 
Even in fun and in jest. In the air of competition. The personal or biological insults fly. All of these things dehumanize you. You dehumanize each other. Eventually you and your friends will become less than human. You are brainwashing each other with dirty filthy talks and rants. 
You are more than the color of your skin or the curl of your hair. You are more than the shape of your face or the height of your body. You and we all are brothers and sisters to one another.
As spoken of in the old Holy Texts. From one man and one woman we all came from. From the saved family of 8 we are all related to. As recently as 11 or so years ago. President Bill Clinton reported the finds of the Conclusion of the Human Genome project. That 99.9% of all of our DNA is Identical. Thus proving that race and race identity is all a lie and a deception.
Even in or around 1984, The DNA finger printing is used to ascertain differences. While at the same time over looking the huge percentage of commonalities. 
Humanity on Earth is one family and one race of human beings.

Human Animal: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged and entrapped human may become a dehumanized animal. C.J.MacKechnie 
It matters not if you have been Imprisoned, Alone, Forgotten and abandoned. You may become a dehumanized animal. It matters not if you have endured much time of severe abuse and torture. You may become a dehumanized animal. There is always hope for you and within you. Even though the word hope may have been long forgotten or is an alien concept to you. The feral De-humanistic animal in which you have become is what was needed for you to survive your horrors. Once in the place of safety. Once in the environment of love, peace, harmony and life. You can now remember who you are supposed to be. Who you were supposed to become. You can now remember that you are more than an Earth animal.
Even if right at this very moment your in a prison or a cage. You do not have to become the animal the prison keepers think you are. If you are that animal. You do not have to be anymore. Search for your own spirit. Reach for that pure and holy light deep within you. That is where you will find your peace, your love, your belonging, your joy and the forgiveness of your Heavenly Father to be.
 From the depth of you. You must endure the full memory and emotion of all of your evil. From there a hard and true wisdom will grow. The kind of wisdom that incinerates the old you. Leaving behind an empty lifeless shell. This too must happen. Now begins the birth of the new wise you. A new you which can now live with your memories and a full knowledge of the terrible emotional damage you have caused. Yes, you are guilty. Yes, You must admit to all of your crimes. Yes, You are forgiven.
Now is your time to become the wise teacher. To become the soft humble destroyer or hardened prideful hearts. This is your repayment. This is your duty to freely walk the wrong way through the open gates of Hell and point the way for the souls to exit. It was Jesus who burst open the gates to free all of us. There are still those who are so entrapped by guilt that they know not the way.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Free Bird: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged jail bird can be more free than the human owner who is locked within his own home. 
While in Foster care. I just needed to be free. Free from the foster care abuses. Free from the abuses from my adoptive parents. Free from being unwanted and unloved. Free from being deemed a waste of effort from the free educational system. Free from Ritalin and Cylert. Free from any mind altering contaminant. Free from being labeled a bad man.
I've studied all aspects of ADD/ADHD as well as the old medical terminology of Hyper-Kinetic. There is absolutely to physical proof that this disability exists. There is absolutely to medical test proving the existence of the disabilities. The scientists who search for a sign of a problem will accept anything. Even a diminished blood flow through certain parts of the brain. While never even thinking or considering of an increase in efficiency of the brain. A brain which thinks faster than normal or average brains is not a possible indication of a disability. On the contrary a faster brain process may be an indication of continuous incremental evolution. 
Free Bird. Gotta love it. There was much feeling I felt when listening to this song. This is the good long version.
Updated on 31 Jan 2016:
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Day Of Beauty: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

A beautiful day can only be seen and experienced by those people who expect it. 
Added on 16 Sept 2023: What do you expect in life? Is your expectations beautiful or ugly? Is your life trying, stressful, unfair and/or awful? If it is? then when is it that you decide to open your eyes to see anything which is beautiful? Naturally beautiful, unplanned and unexpected beauty. There is always hope and if the hope you no longer have is lost. Then your lost hope can be found in the beauty that you choose to seek. If you decide to search for and to become aware of those things which are truly beautiful.
Plan to expect to see a beautiful day.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Proven Actions: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

If you want your child to grow up to be a good person with good characteristics. You must show her/his through your life long positive actions taken. This will be the only proof that will make a said difference in her/his life. Words are empty.
C.J. MacKechnie
Your actions are the real teaching tool for your own children. The revelation of your misdeeds along with the wisdom and understanding you have learned can be spoken truthfully to your children. These will be long lasting for your children. Assuming you have had made those corrective behaviors. If you are still acting poorly and still under the thumb of sin or addictions. Your words will quench your children's thirst like cool sand in a cool glass offered to them. Yea, did you get that confusing look on your face reading that cool glass full of cool sand.

How To Stop the End Time Prophecies: 05 Sept 2012:

Loving One Another:
Living in Peace:
Existing in Harmony:
Cherishing all life:
Being obedient to the laws of God:
Enables you to Live a life worth living:

All of the man made events in all of the end of time prophecies from all over the world and from all of the religions of the world. Can be prevented with an agreed upon continuous action from all of the common peoples on the world. The simple teaching from the Lamb of GOD. To love one another. When all of the common people do this one thing. No political or religious force can have the power or authority to make war ever again. 
Added content on 29 July 2016:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Actions Meaning: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

The pursuit of meaning in your life can bring personal satisfaction and happiness to your future self. When you define what means most in your life. Then you will have a direction. Take action.
C.J. MacKechnie
Making positive efforts today. Will bring good emotions to your future self. Do not allow the falsehoods of cultures and politics to enslave you into a life of injustice and misery. 

No quitters: (Unedited): 24 March 2008:

The strength, courage and determination that has brought you to this exact point in your life today. Will see you into tomorrow only if you continue to take the first steps and never give up.
C.J. MacKechnie
For some of you who have endured abuses and tortures in your life. Find solace and be thankful in your survival. Pray and cry for those who have not.  It is OK. But, now is the time for you to transition from survival mode and into living a good life as defined by your own dreams. Dedicate yourself in the establishment of creating the foundation necessary to build the life of your desires. Its OK and your OK and your safe. Go forth and forward in your life. Your most deserving to see the sweet fruits of today's and tomorrows efforts.The creation of your new foundation is no where as difficult or trying as that which you have had to endure. the creation of this new foundation may be very alien to you. It is OK. Do not fear it or flee from it. Confront and conquer. Adapt and overcome with the same determination of your past.

Do Something: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

All of the words that you speak within your entire life can fit inside of a small jewelry box. If you do one great thing in your entire life every person on this planet may learn of it and remember it for generations.
C.J. MacKechnie
This is about the comparison of speaking and doing. You can speak great things throughout your entire life and all of the contents of your voice will fit inside of a small spiritual jewelry box. Where as if you do one great thing. People will remember that for generations. 
When you open up the little jewelry box to discover the brilliant golden metal and the stunning stones within. All that you have ever spoke will have the appearance of empty air, but your actual deeds will appear as something either very precious or very ugly. The ugliness within your spiritual jewelry box are those things which you had done which caused harm, torment, death and suffering.
This is also the same for those very charismatic preachers, speakers and teachers. it matters not which or what religion. This is also the same for you.
When you speak the words of a wise righteous person. Then your spiritual jewelry box shall be illuminated and clear when opened. When you speak with evil or harsh intentions. Then when you open your spiritual jewelry box. There shall be a cloudy, cold darkness within.  To a such a degree. that you want to hide it and forget it forever. But, you cannot because your spirit is the jewelry box.

Updated on: 26 March 2016:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Family D's: (Unedited): 25 March 2008:

Those families who embrace despair, self destruction and impending death. Will soon find that their hopes and dreams will come true.
C.J. MacKechnie
Formerly Named "Family Extinction":
We manifest what we all spend time thinking about and doing.  If you and everyone in your family embrace all of the self destructive activities. Then your family and gene pool will end. That is the end result. First the loss of the name and then the rest of your families existence.
Think logically about this. How do you think your life is going to end up. When you drink, smoke, do drugs, Have many partners, Kids from all of those various partners, Alternative lifestyles, Crime, No education, No truth, No honor, No character, No trust, No responsibility. How is it your supposed to live any quality life with none of those good words? You don't have a life. So your having a little fun when you can remember it. Before or after throwing up? Before or after getting out of jail? Before or after leaving the hospital from alcohol poisoning or drug overdose?
Then without a family member to teach your children what is right and what is wrong. Your children will become better than you. A better alcoholic. A better drug addict. A better partner. A better criminal. Your family will become forgotten and no one will even know that your family has become extinct. That is the end result. Finality is extinction.

Wrong Learning: (Unedited): 25 March 2008:

Those children who celebrate with their parents their drunkenness, addictions and immoralities will also suffer the same fate as their own parents.
C.J. MacKechnie
Overcoming hardships and abuses is difficult and possible. So as long as you take the extreme approach as to distance yourself and your family from those evil influences. That is what I had to do in my life. The most difficult part of the separation. Was the separation from my old self and the short term isolation/loneliness endured. 
What can you say on this. There are parents who allow and teach their own children to drink, to become drunk. Ive witnessed this at all social levels in the American society. The same it is with smoking and drug use. The same with parents having affairs. These are parents who are teaching their own children how to have a miserable lives while celebrating it in a party atmosphere.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




True Responsibility: (Unedited): 24 march 2008:

Once you realize and accept that the quality of your childhood is not your fault. The quality of your life today and tomorrow is your fault.
C.J. MacKechnie
I got caught up in all of that. Blaming everyone and everything for the misery of my life. Then it occurred to me. What now? and whats next? And who is exactly responsible for my failures in life today and tomorrow? The hard answer was ME?
So, You had been abused and tortured in your childhood and here you are now. You are now safe and free of the abuse and torture from your very own flesh and blood family. What now? Continue to be angry? Continue to hate? Continue to not care for anyone or anything? To do these things means your awful and terrible parents was right about you and they win. Don't let them be right and don't let them win. But, Then again it isn't about winning is it? Its about you right now. Its about your future that you can have. A good future worth living. A good life worth having. You survived the worst and may have almost been killed by them numerous times. This is the evidence that you are stronger than they ever were. So, Stop being stupid. Be your own hero and save yourself. Suck it up and stand firm. Go forth and achieve your dreams. Yes, it is OK to have your own dreams now. Build with your own hands the foundation of the education needed to build your dreams. To do allow the thinking of being years or decades behind your age group to hinder you, to stop you or to prevent you from achieving.
I guarantee when you begin to move forward slowly people will notice that your moving and take minimal notice. But, when you get up to speed like a massive freight train. People will move out of your way and maybe even hop aboard for your wonderful ride to come.

No Repeat: (Unedited): 24 June 2008:

The mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made in their own lives. Does not give you permission to repeat those very same mistakes and sins.
C.J. MacKechnie
It is just like when. The parent tells the child to live a life with character, honor and without sin. Then the parent is witnessed by the child getting drunk, smoking, lying, cheating, having many sexual partners and etc. What will the child believe. The truth in words? Or the truth in action?"
By discovering and knowing the mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made. Enables you to logically not make those same mistakes in your own personal life.
Also, By discovering and knowing those things that your family and friends have done right. You have a template to follow. 

Lifes Meaning: (Unedited): 13 June 2008:

If we all learn and live like we truly love one another. Then real world peace will be a real conclusion. From the merging of love and peace we will begin to live and experience a meaningful harmonious life.
C.J. MacKechnie
World Peace cannot happen and will never happen in an absence of love. Harmonious Living cannot happen and will not happen in an absence of peace. There can be no life in the absence of love, peace or harmony.

Mindless Dog: (Unedited): 11 June 2008:

Do not mindlessly follow a man who makes left turns at maximum speed. They are just like a dog chasing his tail. Yes, it is exciting. Be warned! If you do, he may take you to the end of the road at full throttle.
Formerly Named "Dead Enders". :
Men and women of excitement risk all for the adrenaline and they always go that next step to feel the next thrill. Even risking their own lives and causing there own loved ones sorrow at the accidental loss. Accidental loss? So, if you follow them the great risk takers. Be sure your willing to pay the price. Be sure your family and friends are OK with taking care of your body in your untimely death.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA



Wrong Three: (Unedited): 05 June 2008:

The good man who does wrong, will repent of his sins, ask for forgiveness and sin no more.
The bad man who does wrong, will not repent nor ask for forgiveness while searching out his next.
The other man who does wrong, will not repent nor ask forgiveness. Simply because he feels so much guilt. That he has chosen to wait for whatever punishment comes his way.

C.J. MacKechnie
The other man is the reason why many remain in Hell even after they have been freed by Jesus Christ. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Missed Wisdom: (Unedited): 03 June 2008:

When a man purposefully studies religions and philosophies for that elusive title/trophy of being considered wise. The search will harden his heart and mind. He will always think there is something that he has missed.
C.J. MacKechnie
A man with many titles guaranteeing and proving that he is wise. May in fact only prove that he is merely knowledgeable without and real wisdom or understanding.  
Added on 06 March 2023: I added the words ...and mind.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Is Truth: (Unedited): 31 May 2008:

Who you choose to believe. Is your truth that you will build your life upon. When the flood waters rise, is when you discover what the real truth is and it will bring you comfort or despair. C.J.MacKechnie
Believing a truth as a truth when it is a lie or a deception. Is often time not discovered or revealed until after your trials and tribulations.

Lamb Lion: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2012:

Just as the religious authority knew the lamb of GOD was coming and knew him not while in their presence. So it will be when the Lion returns as expected and planned for. The religious authorities will not know the Lion as HE devours them all. C.J.MacKechnie
Prophecy. The religious authorities must do both repent and reveal. You are the crack between GOD and all of mankind. The crack will become as it never was.
Just as when the Religious Authority Condemned the lamb (Jesus Christ) to be crucified by the Government authority with the approval and backing of the approved of Religious followers. So to will it be the same as when the lion returns. Except, the Lion will come for the governments, religions, and all of the followers who take up arms against the lion whom they will know not. The LION will devour them all.
Personally, I write this knowing that I may be one of those who may not know the Lion. I hope and pray that I do. I hope and pray that my family is one of the protected ones when the Lion does come as prophesied.
I believe that both the Christian and Islamic Prophecies are accurate. Meaning The Christians believe that Jesus will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. The Islamic Mahdi will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. Both are one and the same. He will come to destroy by the perspective of both religions. Think about it. Today, the religion of love-loves not. Today, The religion of peace has not. Both religions know that they will win. When the fact is. No they wont. There is no they or we or us. Only the Holy Lion. Jesus will win. Mahdi will win. Those under his chosen protection. Wont win either. The chosen protected ones. Will be just protected. They will not participate in any of the battles. The short battles.
Greater is Jesus/Mahdi over the Angels. Did you know that the angels of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER has the power to turn any human being on or off like a light switch. Did you know they can alter your perceptions at their will. Meaning they can cause you to see or not to see them at all. The same with hearing and any other of our senses. Angels can alter your mind and memory. Angels can cause you to do something else or cause you to do what they want you to do. They can do this to any human. So for any government or religious authority, to think that they even have a chance to win in any battle is absurd. The prophecies are thousands of years old. Yet, the governments and religions of the world still go to war with the LION.
Its kind of like betting on the American World Series baseball games. In which the teams and the outcome has been known for many thousands of years. Who are you gonna bet for? Who is gonna take your bet? Where is the logic in betting for or against a sure thing?

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John




Revealed Information: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2012:

There can only be revelation when information has been discovered, forgotten or withheld. C.J.MacKechnie

Not Replaced: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2012:

The person who sits in the Reverend Billy Grahams Chair. Will not be his replacement.
The person who stands behind the Reverend Billy Grahams podium. Will not be his replacement.
The person who has the feet to actually fit the Reverend Billy Grahams shoes. Will not be his replacement. 
The person who preaches and teaches from the Reverend Billy Grahams Bible. Will not be his replacement. 
There will be no replacement of this great man. There will not be a continuation of this mans organization. It shall be split up into many fingers and toes. This is not a bad thing. Because as a singular voice can only do a singular thing. A chorus can sing with much more power and authority.
The Reverend Billy Grahams chair, podium, shoes and Bible.
The fundamental teaching of the Holy Bible must be re-ignited. Without fear from the government or from the disrupted sources. The path to holiness is the intention and not the path to becoming a religious zealot. All good things come from GOD. Even if the good thing was revealed to a people elsewhere.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Doomsday Weapon: (Unedited): Early 2012:

The So called US Navy future USA map is what began my vision. Along with the maps of the possible prophets. I saw a square in each of their future maps. The square is the symbol of man. The square is used in our everyday lives in all that we do. I think the blue square lake in Southwest USA used is more of a symbol than the actual shape of a possible lake to be formed. A square is an unnatural shape. Since it is a square it is an indication of unnatural causes. Which means the whole of the possible earth changes may be the Fault of Man or the fault of who ever is located near Las Vegas, NV.
This is what I saw.
A deep underground round hole or shaft with no daylight. The depth of which is unknown to me, possibly 20+ miles deep by 100 or so feet wide. The temperatures at the bottom is very high. High enough to create a thermal energy power source to run the whole of the complex or complexes. Those who were the most paranoid during the cold war. Devised a doomsday plan and an actual doomsday weapon.
By stringing together multi-atom hydrogen/fussion bombs at about 1 mile intervals. Then at the bottom of the hole form together a cluster multi-atom hydrogen/fussion bombs. All of which electronically tied together for a simultaneous detonation. The detonation process can happen in a various of ways. (1). Sensors detect a direct nuclear impact. Thus setting it off. (2).  An invasion sensor. Which detects unapproved persons or beings. In which if the numbers of them become to high or the sensors detect internal detonations. The self destruct is automatic. (3). The manual Button. I'm sure there are keys, codes and multi person access to the button.

The Doomsday weapon is detonated. The effects are immediate locally. The high pressure core material is instantly released into our low pressure atmosphere. A column of core material is ejected into low earth orbit. This continues until the Earth naturally heals the hole created. Much chaos is created for the whole globe as core material falls back down all over the Earth..
At the same time a shock wave travels through the core. Then on the other side off of the coast of Madagascar and the Mauritius Islands. Some how I think India is related. Not sure how or why. Something bad happens for the area and is just a prelude to things to come.
Like a balloon deflating so does the pressure within the Earths core. Causing world wide Earthquakes and volcanism not seen since the creation of the Planet. Continents rise and fall. Mountains rise and fall. All in that moment of time. The duration of which undetermined. 1). Deflation. 2). Sealing and re-stabilization. 3). Wind down of natural catastrophic events. This is worldwide.
The other worse event. The shock wave coupled with the temporary depressurizing of the Earths core may me enough to fracture the actual core. Temporarily Causing multiple north and or south poles or both. The use of the word "temporary" may be in the thousands of years.  
The detonation of this weapon ends humanity in a few generations.
The multi-atom fusion bomb is this. The hydrogen bomb in which most of us know about is the fusion of two atoms. The multi-atom fusion bomb is two or more atoms. Such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 atom fusion bombs. There is an energy transition at about 100 atom. Which things beyond me occur. Those things are not good for life as we know it. I cannot explain it.
I did see other thermal electric generating holes around the globe of varying sizes. But, they were shadowed to me. Where as the one with the Doomsday weapon was highlighted. 
I do mention this weapon in other blogs. Look for them. I may copy and paste them here. Not sure yet. This will be updated.
I firmly believe that all bad and sad prophecies can be averted, mitigated and or managed. My belief stems from the story in the Holy Bible where Joseph and the Pharaoh manage and mitigate a natural disaster. Thus altering the actual prophetic events in The Pharaohs dream/vision. In another story in the Bible. Jonah told the people of Nineveh they were all gonna die in 40 days. His words were an absolute prophecy. All of the people and animals submitted to God and turned away from their sins. God with held judgement upon them all. So here is proof of alteration of a prophecy by a known prophet of God in that day.
In the event of unnatural or man made disasters. They can be absolutely averted and or prevented. No matter who or what Holy and important prophet foretold the possible event or events.  
Once revelation of a bad and sad prophecy is made. Change can begin. It is the point of any bad and sad prophecy to prevent the occurrence and not just blindly accept that it will happen. If technological development cannot prevent a natural bad and sad happening. Then you can mitigate and manage the natural occurring event or events. 
It is only the insane which hopes and prays for the bad and sad to happen. It is only the insane who seeks out and builds a way for the bad and sad to happen.
Even if a prophet is unaccepted by your religious authority. Even if he or she does not simply appear as you do. Even if he or she is weaker, sickly or not as intelligent as you.  Does not mean he or she is not a prophet of GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather. The evidence of the truth revealed can be seen in how they live their individual lives. In righteous and pious living. In humility.
The differences in the prophets visions may not be an inaccuracy so as much as a difference in the slice of time they each view. The purpose of each of theirs visions and of mine is to actively make them wrong. With right thinking actions. 
 These are the origins of my vision.
The alleged prophets  are Gordon-Michael Scallion https://www.youtube.com/user/MatrixInstitute, Edgar Cayce https://www.youtube.com/user/edgarcaycetv, Lori Toye https://www.youtube.com/user/iamamericavideos

:13 Dec 2012: Furtherance Plan:


The devils tower: Related some how. not sure. Maybe, A previous use of a doomsday weapon from a long time ago. Maybe, A deep hole thermal energy recovery that went to deep and naturally caused the Earth to repair it.
:Russian Doomsday Plan:
On board Russian non critical naval ships. Categorized for scientific discoveries. Pointing into the wind. Staggered an equal distance apart along the 60 degree in the southern hemisphere. At exactly the same moment. They each release their high altitude balloons on a mission for scientific discovery. When the balloons attain a balanced altitude of 25-75+/- miles. They all detonate at the same time. Each explosion blowing away a percentage of the planets atmosphere. Winds from the northern hemisphere begin to rush southward. Winds which exceed the force of a hurricane. Within seconds the total planetary atmospheric pressure drops and along with it a dramatic lowering of total global temperatures. All aircraft in flight around the planet, fall from the sky. The shock wave from the detonations converge onto the South Pole Pushing out more of the atmosphere into space. The Earth losing more atmosphere causes all of the water which is in the atmosphere to suddenly condense. Instant ice age. Which will last for a time, until the atmosphere regenerates. Causing the planet to re warm, but not as it was before. The temperatures will not be like today for many thousands of years. 
 If only one 50 MT bomb detonated in the atmosphere causes the loss of about 1 percent of the Earths total atmosphere. The detonation of two 50 MT bombs detonated in the Earth's atmosphere will cause a loss of more than 2 percent of the Earth's atmosphere. It would be wrong to think that one hundred 50 MT bombs would cause the loss of 100 percent of the Earth's atmosphere. 
There is a relationship between the size of detonation and at what altitude detonated. There is also a relationship between how many nuclear bombs detonated, the proximity and the arrangement of such bombs. Meaning if you made a perfect projected circle of exactly the same size and types of weapons. Then placed them in a perfect circle of total destruction. The effects in the center of this inward circle will receive a greater impact. While maximizing the total effects of the nuclear devices used. The same principle can be used in non nuclear devices. This principle can also be used in directed energy flows when attacking cave systems simultaneously. 
Because, this happens in the southern hemisphere, where nothing of real Geo-political importance happens. No one is watching and no one can be directly blamed. Thus, Zero response from any NATO nation or the USA. But, after the coordinated detonations. It won't really matter. The Russian math is off. The Russian scientists will claim they are right and that the atmosphere will only re-situate across the planet and cool globally by about 5-10 degrees C. The atmosphere will re-generate over time and then the whole of the world will be absent the USA, Weak Europeans and NATO. The Russian scientists will deny any chance of a total atmospheric collapse. Which is what will happen. 
There is a bell curve in the math and the Russian math is missing unknown and un-conceptualized elements. This Bell Curve relates to minimal undesirable effects to the left and maximum undesirable effects to the right. The very tip of the Bell curve is small and this is where the desirable effect is planned for. If your math is off just a little bit to the left. The world will hunt you down. If your math is off just a little bit to the right. 6-7 Billion people die.
I'm unable to find the source of the information gathered many years ago about the loss of atmosphere due to the Tsar Bomb and from the American high altitude detonations.

Updated on 11 March 2016: Because of a reader.
I do not mean to be insulting to those alleged prophets I have mentioned here. I do not know them personally nor do they know me. I do not even make those declarations of myself. Especially, when I write like this. I'm not of any importance in the grand scheme of things. I'm just a temporarily lit pixel on your screen which is easily forgotten. That is the way I prefer it.  So, I cannot say if they are prophets or not. Either way it is not for me to make those kinds of declarations. Even if any person has had any kind of dream or vision in which any kind of bad and sad is involved. It and every one should be tested.
It is only my intention here to reveal. To reveal can and does change everything or it can bring forth the undesired event. What is key is not to simply reject your part in any bad or sad event. The essential key is a change in your heart of hate, the change in your spirit of sin, the change in your mindset of evil. Those are the keys. Especially if your one of the leader's of the world.
Be warned of any person claiming to be a prophet and has the deepest desires in their heart to be right and to profit from being right.   
In order to survive ourselves. This is how to avert all bad and sad prophecies. Well most of them. Accidents do and will still happen. The purple words. Is just a beginning to something better for all of humanity.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
And to go and sin against one another no more. 
 These words are tied to every religion, every nation and every people. 
Even if the doomsday action plans are not implemented. There is still a variety of ways in which we can cause our own extinction.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 