Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dirty Shower +3: (Unedited): 23-24 Dec 2016:

Living a life which is contrary to the truth contained within your spirit and heart. Will make you deeply embarrassed and dirty. The kind of dirty that a clean shower cannot wash away.
Internally and intuitively we all know what is right, wrong and morally correct. 
When we begin to do a wrong. We all feel dirty, bad and guilty. It is only after we each begin to reject those undesirable feelings that we begin to wrongly believe we are free to do as we think we are right to do. But, what really happens is we become disconnected from our own heart and spirit. 
Once the disconnection has been made. A false sense of freedom and shallow happiness erupts from your own mind. The freedom to do as you will it. No matter the ramifications in life and the separation from that which is good and true. 
Identity Memory Loss: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2016:
The loss of identity of who you are, becomes a memory of what you once were. 
False Identity: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2016: 
Losing yourself becomes your new false identity of who you think you are. Over time your new false identity will become your new false you. 
This is all what happens when you make sin a part of who you want to be. 
Supposed to Become: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2016: 
Who you want to be is not the same as who you are and what your supposed to become. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Good Heart Quality: Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:

Spoken words does not prove the quality of any persons heart, nor the quantity of goodness within any persons heart. No matter how eloquent the words they speak. 
Empty Heart Mind Reason: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2016:
Even though the heart may be empty and the spirit closed off. The mind can still reason to the right heart felt spiritual answer.
Many people pretend to be spiritually keyed into the unknown and prove their hearts are full of love, compassion and mercy by their own powerful words. Yet, when they are alone. They do not do those necessary things. Or if they had begun forcing their heart to do good things. They often times become exhausted and burn out.
It is easy to see if you really want to see. All you have to do is just open your eyes and see them. 
Even though a child may never be able to articulate the whys and hows the importance of actions over spoken words. Never the less the actions or non actions of those important adults in a child's life is more important than any verbal expression of love.
Yet the verbal expressions of apology and love seem to be capable to change the world for a young child who was offended. That child will just forgive and forget and go play. While the adult may never forget nor will they ever forgive. An adult will just hold onto those old hurts until they become anger and hatred. So become like the child.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fewer Police: Underground Church: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2016:

New thought impressions. Updates on 23 Jan 2017, 24 Jan 2017,
At this time I will no longer be doing yearly prophecy blogs. I am about to close up the 2017. For whatever reason. I feel nothing for doing them any more.  I do know they are tied to the Jewish Calendar. I also, suspect Islamic attacks are associated with the Islamic Calendar. I've learned a  lot about prophecy in the last few years. The most important things I have learned. 1). Is that any bad and sad prophecy ever spoken or written can be mitigated and/or averted. 2) The condition of your heart and your journey towards righteousness and holiness seem to be a key in preventing prophecies to specific groups of people from the individual, family, tribe, community, nation, continent, entire planet and most likely entire solar system and entire galaxy. If we as a people survive the coming extinction level events which will be our own fault.
In the USA fewer and fewer men and women of honor and integrity shall pursue a career in Law Enforcement. This may be more valid at the local level. The militarization of the police and Sheriff forces all across the country will become mainstream.
Once the balance has been tipped in favor of chaos and it is commonly known. Then the people will take law and judgement into their own hands. Forcing the hands of the Government who has not honored the people to alter the laws and send in the military to violently bring law and order. It shall not matter whether or not the special interest oligarchy or the corporate oligarchy is voted upon. 
In the USA. Predominantly white churches will need to learn what the black churches had done to survive. They both will come together as they each will go underground. The underground churches will begin to experience miracles as a common occurrence.  This is also to include Latino, Asian and other racially specific churches.
Wisdom and knowledge of how those churches survived around the world will also be of great importance. But, more important than anything is their individual free choice or repentance and righteousness as only accepted by the eyes of God. Then when they all come together in one righteous spirit. Great holy power shall come forth. But this shall be after...
Need to read 2 Timothy:
NOTE: If you read my writings in regard to race and racism. Then you should know that these words of the colors is not insulting. Nor are they intended to be. 
Added on 23 Jan 2017: It seems already this year of today's date an increase of 150% increase in cop killings by gunshot. Neighborhoods who seem to be more stressed than others. Have begun to openly walk around with guns in order to protect themselves from police brutality (Read this again). The events at Standing Rock North Dakota are also having an impact on the nation's civilian perception of the police. That the police are becoming a threat to society. People are showing their guns in the face of a wrongly perceived threat. It is only going to get worse. Especially if the Standing Rock Massacre occurs. Even if the Standing Rock North Dakota massacre is prevented. Those who have a deep evil within them will have their massacre elsewhere.
Added on 24 Jan 2017:
Once a large group of people decide they have had enough. Once there are enough of the civilian population which believes that cops are the enemy. Cops will die as is already happening all over the USA this year alone. A Louisiana cop was just killed the other day for stopping to assist in an accident while off duty and still in uniform. Someone just shot him in the head.
Who is at fault?
1). Bad cops who caused black lives matter to begin and who cause black lives matter to remain a force. (Black Lives Matter organization do have the right to exist).
2). The law enforcement and politicians of the entire state of North Dakota and the 8+ month long protest at the area known as Standing Rock North Dakota.
3). The entire organization called the main stream media. Collective Media Blackout.
4). The Federal Government. It seems like it doesn't matter who is in charge. Same ole same ole.
5). The anarchist and violent minded which have gotten themselves involved with this peaceful protest.
Added on 05 Feb 2017: The tone in the air of Standing Rock, North Dakota has changed. Anytime a bad and sad prophecy is revealed. It is not to give power to it. It is to give you the power to prevent any and all bad and sad prophecies. You all have the power to decide to take action in order to prevent or mitigate. If you decide to do nothing or to just play your mindless and spiritless part. Then the bad and sad prophetic event may just happen worse than it was foretold. A human created or inspired prophecy can have many variables to it. While a natural event bad and sad prophecy will be more focused on very specific events and outcomes. Although the outcomes can be mitigated if the natural event cannot be prevented.
Back to Standing Rock, North Dakota. The Government of Standing Rock seems to want and are planning a massacre. They will continue to incite as they have done for the past 9+ months. Everything the Government of North Dakota has done is based in strategy and dehumanizing those who are in the way. This is evidenced by voting on laws which makes it legal to run over Oil protestors. This also includes laws which take over all of the tribal lands which were guaranteed by federal Law. Under the guise of doing good for the poor Indian people.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spirit Of Cain: (Unedited): 02 June 2016:

Through mental conditioning and anti-spiritual training of worldly ways is the attitude and actions of the spirit of Cain perpetuated within each individual human being.
Through pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience to the word of God is the spirit of Cain known within each human being.
The ways of the world is one of pride, ego, arrogance and disobedience so as long as one is not accused or suspected.
The spirit of Cain perpetuated within you will always lead to pain, suffering and death.
The anti Cain spirit is one which can be discovered within the Holy Bible. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5@Demonic Character/Psychology: (Unedited): 25 July 2016:

The character and psychology which identifies every individual fallen angel and spirit. Can be seen growing within every demonically manipulated/controlled soul.
There is a process in which the fallen angels, demons or evil spirits must cause you to go through in order to have control over any/your soul.  They must cause you to transform your whole being to what they are now. They do this with very convincing lies and deceptions at every step you make away from who you are to what they want you to become. In order to over take your entire being. This goal of theirs can from just a moment in time to the rest of your life. The closer you become to what these evil entities are. The easier it is for them to reside within you. Even if it is for just a moment or for an entire lifetime.
Disrespect and disobedience is a common trait within those souls who have become demonically manipulated/controlled.
Fallen angels, spirits and evil entities are respecters of no one. They do not obey anyone or anything. So one of the first things that a demonically controlled/manipulated soul will begin to show is disrespect and disobedience to those whom they have not shown before. When at one time you were respectful and obedience to the various rules which governs humanity. You begin to not care/apathy so much for those rules. For many this change is gradual for a few it is immediate. For whatever reason why, I  have no idea. Apathy is most likely the very fist trait which begins to appear within a human being. This is often times magnified by cigarettes, drinking as well as all forms of selected media. Which alters thinking's and perceptions of what is real.
Out of the neutrality that has become the apathetic soul. Is the newly richness of soul soil which can sprout hate, anger and vengeance.
A soil can be to acidic or the alkalinity can be to high. So a good farmer wants to keep his soil just right in order to grow the fruits or vegetables he wants. There is a process in order to achieve the perfect soil in order to maximize growth potential. This similar thinking process is the same for those fallen angels. They need for the human soul to become like they are now. In other words they need to cause and trick the human being to come down to their level/frequency. Once this is achieved the human being becomes like an open vessel in which anyone can pilot.
A loving and compassionate soul must become apathetic before hatred, anger and vengeance can take root.
The natural and often times unknown human defenses in which we all have. Can become weakened to the point that a demonic entity or demonic forces can gain entry into the host body. If not from within. The host body can be used like a remote controlled (RC) car, plane, boat. In other words the human being becomes a controlled drone of the fallen angels. Doing their bidding without even being aware they are not in control over themselves. Does an RC car or a drone know who the human is which controls them? no of course not. Same thing in comparison.
Many fiery thorns of chaos, confusion, destruction and death can come from the newly manipulated soul whose roots are shallow in the rich soul of hatred, anger and vengeance.
I think many bad people were once good. They at some point decided not to care anymore. Then selfish desires of wanting what they could not have. Caused their apathetic being to cause harm and suffering to others in order to achieve what they wanted. Thus, their own disrespect of them and being disobedient to the laws of the land. Followed suit.
I think the fallen angels purposefully choose those humans who have great depth of passion within them. Because, they know that passionate soul will exceed in horrific deeds where others just will not have the heart for it. But, first the fallen angels must cause the passionate person to become apathetic. Then from this apathetic sate cause this passionate person to hate and become angry. Then with all of this pent up negative emotion. They cause this passionate person to release all of their hate and anger with an act of vengeance. All of this is through ongoing lies and continuous deceptions. Even though lies and deceptions which are believed to be true for many thousands of years.
Added on 31 July 2016:
The scene of a new demonically controlled person.
Like a baby all things are new to them. Can you imagine an adult acting with all manor of amazement to all of the new sensations they experience. Such as gravity and the echoes of noises. For an adult seeing a person like this will cause your spidey sense to spike. As mine does.
Like a woman who is completely amazed that their water bottle is empty. It is what happens when you spill it and drink it. For the new demonically controlled person. It is just completely a genuine feeling and true realization. Just like a toddler discovering a new thing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Guilty Grace: (Unedited): 21 July 2016:

By the Judgement of God. We are all guilty because of our sinful nature/spirit, corrupted thinking and contaminated being. 
But, through the grace of God by the perfect saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are all forgiven and free. Through the mystery of the three in one. 
There is nothing for us to do or can do. In every aspect of who we each individually was, are and will be. We can do nothing for ourselves to be acceptable in any way to God. So God had to to it all. Everything in the last 6000+/- years. Just to save us from ourselves. That's unconditional and undeserved Love.
After, You realize what Jesus had done for each of us and you accept it through faith. The changes do begin if you let it. You begin to want to become a good son/brother or daughter/sister. You do this by staying in the Word/Bible. You begin to pray often and always. You begin to fast for others as well as situations. You begin to reject and flee from all sin. Thus, is only the beginning and over time as you develop a continuous history of these good habits. You shall with all humility become righteous, holy and without blemish or spot accepted by only your Heavenly Father.
Flee from all sin. Even from the church you have loved for so long. When your church, denomination or religion accepts and brings sin into the holy places. Do not associate with them ever again. Until, they have turned away from those sins.
This includes any LGBTQ person who is allowed to hold any position of authority. If you continue to attend these places. You also will suffer along with them all. For it is assigned for the remnant to be separated from the whole which have become corrupted, contaminated and with a great many soiled spots. If you remain among the sinners who continue to sin without shame or any intention to change from their evil ways. Then it is you who will share as it is not you who has the power to change them. Only your heavenly Father can do that if they had not already been judged. For I tell you the truth before Noah cut down the first tree. The whole world had already been judged. Do not become as Lot's wife had. For even a remnant can be separated from their parents and siblings who they love and care for much. Never to see or to know them again.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accusing Devil: (Unedited): 20 July 2016:

Be warned of those within your organization who always accuse others. For their attitude only pretends to be a caring employee when in fact they are just a devil spirit who finds power and thrills in others torments. 
It is interesting how only one can make it into an organization. Gain the trust of the leadership and/or managing team. Then become the eyes and ears of them. The vast majority of these are very beneficial. It is the few whom I'm talking about. It is those who only accuse others of wrong while offering zero benefit to the company by any other means. These devil spirits spend so much time spying and accusing others that their productivity is very low. But, everyone in management/leadership likes him/her. The management and leadership teams have all been blinded by this one person. This one person is or can be the sole cause of a demoralized workforce.
It would be better off to fire this person outright and even pay for their unemployment benefits. In doing so. Your entire corporate structure will breathe and feel the pleasant atmosphere you once had. All aspects of your business will improve. Virtually over night. there will be a positive shock that your employees will feel and this may cause sluggishness in your recovery. But, once your workforce gets your train steaming and heading with a decisively forward momentum. They will smile and wont be stopped. Until you the leadership and management team screws up again.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Rose Part: Infinite Beauty: (Unedited): 23 June 2016:

Infinite Beauty: (Unedited): 23 June 2016:
The rose does not cry when her last flower is plucked. Rather she rejoices for in her beauty is in the infinite. More flowers shall come with their due efforts and in their due time.
Those that do. May be the ones who needs the most compassion, consideration, love and forgiveness. As they may think of themselves as not worthy of any compassion, consideration, love or forgiveness. In doing so and without any expectancy of any return. You show the world just how beautiful of a rose you truly are even though the whole of the world will want to pluck you from the branch. This is OK. Because you being the rose is just a part of who you are. Which will grow a new. The rose is just a part of you and not the whole of you. The roses which come from you is like your love, mercy, compassion and all of the other good qualities of you. They are all limitless and without ending. True beauty is within you and from the spirit, mind and heart of who you truly are. The physical part of you is just the part of you which emanates that which is from within you.
Who are those that do? What have they done or continue to do? 
Some people have spent their entire lives making mistakes and errors in judgements for almost forever as it may seem to them. Their never ending bad living state to them seems impossible to get out of. They are in that downward spiral which seems to be going no where and they are out of control. They may have even given up trying to be in control over their own lives.
Maybe the those that do are your parents? Or just your dad or just your mom. Maybe, the person is a grand parent or both. It doesn't matter. You were born into the family and each persons history is not your fault. Nor can you fix them and their problems. They may never be who you want them to be either. So all you can do is love them and continually give unto them you compassion, mercy and consideration. That is all. Is it fair for you? Of course not. Those thoughts of fairness and unfairness are weeds which will choke the beauty and love out of you. So fight all negative thoughts out of your mind daily.  
You can only do all of this when you are clean, sober and pure. 
Without any pride, ego or arrogance on your part. You are the humble gift to them. You are their renewed hope if they can ever choose to open their blind eyes and closed off minds to see and know something beautiful within them all still exists and is still among them. 
You are their fruit which is good, sweet and wonderful. Even though their vines are now barren of any fruit sweet or sour, healthy or sickly. You are a gift to them from a God who wants them to return to His family. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Spiritual Status: (Unedited): 29 June 2016:

The status of your spirit,
The state of your mind,
and the condition of your heart
is superior to the health of your body.
It is the spirit which is superior over any aspect of your physical being. The mind, heart and body becoming so intuitively focused upon the spirit. The body becomes weaker as the importance of the spirit becomes dominant. Weaker does not mean sick or with disease. Weaker is just weaker.
The purity of your spiritual focus will be evident in your own light. If you focus upon Love, Peace, Harmony and life. Without the natural acceptance of the laws of God. Then your connection to the divine source shall be empty. Willful Holiness is crucial to any connection to God. Any sin will prevent you access or connection. Your pursuit of holiness and righteousness is crucial.
If your belief systems has been corrupted by politics, culture or religious leadership. Then your connection to God may be impossible to make or to maintain.
You must also keep your pride and ego under your feet. In the hopes that God will see you as righteous and holy in His own eyes. A true righteous holy person may not be the ones who wear suits or other clothing which separates the many from the religious few in church leadership like the Catholic Church. I tell you the truth a sinless homeless person shall be seen as holy and righteous more than the clean appearing Pope himself.
Through the willful acts of yourself to care for those in need in accordance to your ability. You shall find more satisfaction in this life then by simply tithing to a Catholic Pope who only wants to keep you away from Yahshua or Jesus Christ. If you want to see Jesus, clothe the needy, feed the hungry, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned. These are just a few suggestions. In this modern age. There are many more things which can be done for those who are perpetually less fortunate than you. Even if they mock and curse you or even if they go without gratitude. Let them all that you assist go in peace and love. For one day, that little bit of love and peace shall crack their hardened shell around their heart and mind.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 25, 2016

Blind Enslavement: (Unedited): 25 April 2016:

Blindly Believing another persons opinion without knowing and understanding the origins of the spoken/written content. Enslaves you to their way of thinking and believing.
There are a lot of people who offer their opinions. Including me. Know matter who you follow. You cannot take anyone's words as gospel fact. You must research their words always to insure they speak truthfully. You should not allow yourself to become deceived. In this world there is a lot of deceptions. Even the so called fact check organizations have been wrong. Not to say that whom they have reported as wrong was still wrong. But, how can that be? TO keep you thinking and believing as you are directed. To keep you angry and hateful. Think about it.
If your mind is full of lies and deceptions even though you believe them to be truths. How close can you get to Jehovah?
If your heart is full of anger and hatred? How close can you get to Jehovah?
If you pray and your spirit, heart and mind are negatively tuned? Who is listening? satan and the other fallen angels? maybe?
Are the thoughts of your mind full of sin, any sin? Like mistrust of those long haired hippy types or that certain group of people with the dark sun tans? It doesn't matter why, who, what, where or how you sin or in what degree. This is what keeps you separate from Jehovah and in tune to the fallen angels. Who are willing to listen to your thoughts and feelings and mimic them right back into your mind. Thus, influencing you into their will.
You see. Regular unscripted prayer and meditation. Teaches you how to control your thoughts for an extended period of time. Teaches you how to block and expel any unwanted thoughts and emotions. Which may not have originated within your own mind or heart or spirit.
All of the content of any entertainment show only distracts you away from Jehovah. Even Christian programming. When you are involved in listening or watching any show. Including the very produced shows at your churches. You are distracted from Jehovah. OH But... You say. I'm worshiping. Are you really? I'm not judging here. Look into your own actions which preceded the worshiping. Do you remember what each of the holy men had to do before any of them could go into the holy of the hollies? Go look in the Bible. Come as you are is out of context here. Study that one as well.
Are you actively becoming holy and righteous as only Jehovah will see it in the fruits of your life. Both inward and outward. You gotta have both ways.
Personal Note. I'm a deeply flawed human being who is making the effort.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Entertainment Not Intended: Worldly Squirrel: (Unedited): 29 March 2016:

Not Complete
The edifying of your heart.
The provoking of your mind.
The tingling of your spirit.
Is not intended to be entertaining.
When you attend a worship center/church of your choice. The purpose is not for you to be entertained. The purpose is not for you to escape the reality of your selfish worldly life for just a couple of hours a week. The purpose of going to church is to stop the life you have in the world and to end your obedience to worldly rules. Even if it means unemployment, starvation and homelessness.
Because, the soul spirit is everlasting while the human physical form only lasts maybe 80 or so years. Which do you desire? 80 or so years of physical life in which only about 30 years is with youthful vigor. Then the physical downward decline begins. Your soul spirit is everlasting and never ending. Which should be your logical and reasonable primary focus? Physical life or spiritual life? Which do you follow? The worldly rules or by the rules of the spirit world? Which is of the most importance?
Sure you must live in this world. But do you live it for the emptiness of meaning, purpose and mission of worldly pursuits? Which only lasts a short time. You may become CEO or some other alphabet officer of some great worldly corporation or governmental organization. Even that shall have a limited duration and then your usefulness shall expire as does any other worldly product.
Worldly Squirrel: (Unedited): 30 March 2016:
The selfish worldly squirrel shall never find his buried nuts near where the new trees grow. Yet, the squirrel continues to dig and dig in earnest.
Yahshua  said to the wealthy young man to give away all that he had and follow me. Jesus, did not say give all of your worldly wealth to me and then you can follow me. That is just something that the prosperity false teachers often forget to mention.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Fight Will: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2015:

The will to fight goes deeper than the physical ability to continue to fight well.
The will to fight goes deeper than the mental ability to continue to remain in the fight.
The will to fight goes deeper than the hearts ability to continue to feel passion for the fight.
The will to fight goes deeper than right or wrong and good or evil.
The will to fight begins from within the illusive spirit of your true nature. 
The word use of "Fight" is not about violence, hate or anger. 
 I have always wondered why some people can continue to fight even though when it is absolutely useless to continue. When all is lost and that any resemblance of victory is not to ever be seen by the one who fights. On the surface of what it is you see. Is where the impossibility resides. But, deeper within the human spirit is where you can see the expression of self identity in "I'm Possible". But, you as a person must get past your own discomfort and thoughts of how superior you are over those who suffer greatly. You may even see some poor soul so completely genetically messed up. That you say within your own mind. That they should not be in the public and remain in some institution out of view and out of memory.
For you who have thought and felt these self centered things. Have just missed an opportunity for bettering yourself, For improving your humanity with empathy, love, compassion and mercy. Those precious good qualities of whole human beings. Because, of your rejection of those good qualities you remain on your journey into the darkening of your own soul.
The fight is deep within the whole soul of the true warrior. Physically born into a genetically defective body, created by pharma vaccinations, or even by severe accidents. It matters not the how or why. The true warrior which is within already knew this to be the outcome for deep spiritual learning. The warrior spirit within choose this body and this circumstance to show the impossible fight. That just by changing the way you think can instantly cause you to traverse the infinite space between impossible and I'm Possible. The power of thought and of intention can even change the fate of the whole world which is about to become extinct.
The power of thought and of intention is two different things. A person can know Peace, Love, Law, Harmony and Life are of importance. That very same person who goes on in conflict, hate, lawlessness, chaos and death. Shall his/her intentions be known and easily seen.
The truest and most powerful forms of inspirations in life that you will ever witness. Is from those spiritual warriors who continue to fight ongoing battles in multiple war fronts. That they already know they cannot ever win. Can you fathom that? Fighting a physical war, Mental war, social war, family war, Friendship war, identity war, spiritual war, Health war and whatever else war all at the same time. Where all of these battles are raging against you at all times. Day in and day out. Non stop and never ending. Where all of these raging battles and active warfare are absolutely impossible for you to win. Can you handle that?
and yet, the beautiful gentle soul can great you with a genuine smile as her squeaky wheels come closer and her contraption holds up her weak legs. You embrace in a hug with her weak one good arm. Somehow That hug was more meant for you than it was for her. The power of her spirit is without any weakness or flaw.
It isn't because of curses or sins that people become defective. Their purpose and meaning in life can be much deeper than any person can ever know if all they do is look at the surface.
This is where your inspiration can be found. Can you handle it?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spiritual Communication: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2015:

Today, Something weird happened. If you read my blogs on a regular basis. You may know that strong spirits can use a person to communicate with you. Nothing permanent and maybe only long enough to pose a question. It may not even be a spirit, It may be an Angel of even a fallen angel. It could even be The Holy Spirit or God. Or can it be which god?

Sometimes you have to look at those things which are not typical of a particular person.
I work in a cooler and I'm pretty much left alone to do my duties. I like it. I pray and meditate almost all of the time while I'm in there.
So here comes one of the assistant managers and he asks the A-Typical Question.
Are you going to save the world? another question on to some kind of heroics on my part?
 Of course I was flippant in answering of the question. I said naw. I'm just going to wait in here and chill and watch it all happen.
Here is the real answer.
1). The world cannot be saved by any one human being. Except Yahshua.
2). The world has already been given the option for eternal spiritual life. It is each individual persons free choice to accept, deny or to ignore it. 
3). There are to many people who seem to believe and to teach that all prophecies are absolute and that we are all helpless to consider any other avenue. Prophecies are not absolute and they all can be either prevented and or mitigated. 
4). There are to many people and religions who work hard insuring that all of the prophecies of the bad and sad manifest. This is just insane. Because, the end result of all of the bad and sad prophecies is our extinction. It matters not which religious prophecy or the incorrect interpretations of them.
5). The people of the world have already been given all of the wise sages, prophets, messengers we need to make a well informed decision. All of these chosen wise men and women all had some things in common. They followed the formula. Whether they were aware of it or not.
The formula is: Life=Love,Peace,Harmony,Law.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
It seems to me and I can be in error here. The Native American tribes or the tribal peoples of the world. Have been given the wise messages related to Life. The Christian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Love. The Islamic Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Peace. The Asian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Harmony. The Jewish Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of the Law. In which all of humanity have screwed them all up. Hence all of the bad and sad prophecies from all of the prophets, both approved and unapproved . The big question is. How do I save humanity or save the world. It is to only point to the purple words. Without threats, fears or intimidation. It is really this simple. If you want to live and to have a life worth living. Well, then logically adopt those purple words as something you should actively do in your own life, everyday. Not because you have to but because you want to and it is the right thing to do. To do what is right and wise is Righteous.
Before anyone can humanity. We each must first become our own heroes and save ourselves. That means by becoming righteous everyday.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
Looking down while spiritually looking up shall prevent any sand-traps which comes before you.
What is on your mind is in your spirit.
The wise leader should choose the respectful inferior or the arrogant superior.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Demonic Miracles: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

The coming deceiving demonic miracles, signs and wonders shall be those which causes our own natural senses to lie to our own minds. 
How can we protect ourselves from these things to come which can so easily deceive our natural senses to lie to our own brains? On the reasonable and intellectual level it is impossible. After all, These demons, Fallen angels or space aliens were a part of the reprogramming of humanities language centers during the time of the building of the tower of babel.
On the emotional level it to may be impossible as the emotional state is directly tied to our intellectual state of being. The key is within that mysterious spiritual connection to the divine. By keeping our focus upon the divine. We may able to see the true nature of the coming demonic signs and wonders. These lying signs and wonders can only be seen for what they are through your spirit connectedness with the divine. Through righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. These false miracles may not have an affect on those who are righteous and holy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christian Enemies: Righteous Understanding: Religious Truth: Righteous Martyrdom:(Unedited): 14 July 2015:

You religious Christian's whom God knows you not. The enemies are at your gates and have surrounded you on all sides. Yet, you continue to celebrate and rejoice in your religiosity. 
 You religious Christians. The enemies are at your gates. The enemies has their spies amongst you. While you rejoice and are entertained within your worldly feel good churches. You shall be torn asunder and no one will know. All atrocities to the Christian shall be sanitized. All content from the Christians shall also be sanitized. No one will know. No one will know that the Christian doomsday prepper who have fortified themselves has been completely destroyed and buried over. Never to be found or heard from again.
Your churches shall also be destroyed and burned without regard to the lies and deceptions which is racism. Again, no one will know. The only thing which shall save your church is to be on the LGBT good church list. These good churches will not teach anything in regard to sin or repentance. They will also make a declaration that anyone who is LGBT is A O K. and welcomed in any capacity within the entire church organization.
Church goers of the bad churches which is not on the LGBT good church list. Shall be followed and tormented. Their personal homes and things shall be destroyed. They shall also be physically punished and murdered. Yet, no one will know and their shall be no justice.
satan's justice: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Like a lightning Bolt Justice comes for the benefit of the most defiled of sinners. Justice comes with a vengeance to destroy all of humanity. Especially, the righteous ones in the eyes of only Yahweh Elohim. This shall be satan's justice. 
The bringer of justice should always be questioned. The Christina religious masses have become totally helpless and will do nothing. The world as they have known it has ended and they shall become the criminal as they already have. Through lawsuits all manor of Christian business shall be sued into nothingness. It will not stop there. The pressure on every single christian shall become over whelming to the point that their only safety is in the darkness of the forests and deserts. Yet, in time they all shall be found and buried in their places of discovery. For in that time. Those who hold until their end shall receive the divine blessing of the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Righteous Understanding: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Any person can live right without God but any person who lives rightly with wisdom and understanding is righteous as accepted and seen by only God.
I have met many people who have considered themselves good by simply living a good life as a good civilized citizen. You know those godless types who recycle and save energy where ever possible. They never even make the connection that their gods and idols are those man made symbols in which they seek out as a consumer of goods.  
Religious Truth: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
You religious Christians have revealed the truth of your spirit when you permit by permission sin to enter your holy places. You have become more fearfully obedient to the offensive worldly laws than you are with Godly laws. The truth is you never were righteous Christians.
The evil threats which are within many churches shall be revealed when in those holy places sin is allowed to reside and is welcomed. This is only an aspect of abomination of desolation. 
Righteous Martyrdom: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Only those who are righteous to the cause and in their lives shall know the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Those who are merely religious shall be tortured and killed. Many may believe them to be a martyr and declare it so. But, it shall not be the case when they only become the forgotten victim of a murder.
Lost Focus: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
The people who lose their focus of God are the ones who have chosen to turn their gaze and attention on the charismatically gifted of tongues. The unwavering belief and faith in any mortal person is he who becomes like gods and idols. 
This is how the common people follow men who have become god like Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Mao Zedong. The promise of a better future is paid for in blood. The sacrifices of humanity are of those persons who would have been or become the biggest stumbling blocks for the leader. You must murder every alpha male/female in order to exercise absolute and total control over everything.
Even though these dead blood thirsty dictators are long gone. They are still worshiped and their beliefs continue on.
Keep your focus upon God, seek out His Face. Do not follow any person. No matter how wonderful their words are. If you are one of the righteous ones as accepted by God and the spiritual gift of martyrdom is for you as it was for YAHSHUA Jesus Christ. Let you last gaze be for the face of God and your last urging thoughts be for Yahshua. In this way you shall have endured unto the end.
Christian Doomsday Preppers.
You shall fight and you shall kill many. But when the government authority focuses upon you and your prepper group. You shall be isolated and killed. Just watch the videos of the militarized police who respond to a shooter in some house. An army of militarized police show up with all manor of vehicles and air assets. Those targeted individuals who are in the zone of control. In that day shall be killed. All witnesses shall be cleared away.
The new government authority shall redefine what it means to be an accepted citizen and offer guidelines on how a good citizen is socialized, acts and reacts.
A part of your doomsday prepper plans should entail a focus on maintaining your own individual righteousness/holiness as seen and accepted only by God. For I tell you the truth. There shall be no place safe on the Earth or in it. No amount of physical preps shall keep you safe from free roaming demons who can just walk through your secret walls and concealed barricades.
Good Physical Death: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Enduring unto your end with your last willful act of your free choosing being that of righteousness and holiness is a good physical death. 
Control Zone: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Within the zone of control the government authority shall have total privacy to do as they will.
Added on 17 July 2015: This Quote series was published on:
Thank You guys and gals at Anything Prep for publishing this quote series. 
This was a tough series of quotes to write. As I'm still not so certain that there will be a rapture of the faithful. But, I'm not so against the rapture that I will absolutely reject it, when it occurs. I just know historically throughout the Bible that God does not historically save the masses. God only saves a remnant. Such as 8 adults of Noah and his family. No children. I'm not condemning God just trying to grasp it all. No children were saved. Aren't children innocent or were children so contaminated down to the most basic of levels. They to had to be destroyed. God is all knowing and all wise and we all must trust in him. Even if we are all physically so contaminated that we are not selected to physically survive the coming hell on Earth. In a short period of time the entire Earth shall be DE-populated down to even to extinction of all human life. Except for the remnant to be saved.
So it is important to have your own spiritual connection to God. By you choosing to become more than just religious. By you freely choosing to be righteous and holy in the eyes of God. Because, when our physical bodies end for whatever reason. It is our spirits within which survives. This I know as an absolute truth without offer any proof.
Added on 17 July 2015:
Other related Prepper quotes:
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Era of False Prophets: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:

Humanity is in the era of false prophets. As humanity experiences more and more false prophets. So to will the level of miracles they do increase and be more wondrous. Until such a time when the greatest amongst the false prophets can call down fire from the heavens. Then will this revelation be finally revealed to all peoples. But, those devout followers and true prophets will already know who, what and when the prophecy means. But, those devout followers of God. Will already be suffering much and crying out to the Lord for respite.
False interpretations believed by the majority of the believers shall lead them astray. All the way to the point that they become absolutely deceived and know not their true Lord when he comes. They the deceived will war against the coming savior. The majority of humanity shall war against the coming savior.
Deceived Religions: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
For those who are merely religious within their own religion and only does the minimum requirements as dictated by men who adorn themselves of their religious cloth. Shall be deceived and know it not. 
Blindly Fooled: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
Those unbelievers and evil doers who have been full of the world and of apathy. When they see the miracles with their own physical senses. They shall believe and blindly follow in what they perceive by their own fooled physical senses.
Righteous of God:(Unedited): 27 June 2015;
Only those persons who are deemed righteous in the eyes of God. Shall know and understand which prophecies have been misinterpreted. Before a person can become righteous. They must revere/respect all that God has done and created. They must know their own guilt and repent of them all. Then go and sin no more.
This is not intended to be all inclusive.
Righteousness Acknowledged: (Unedited): 27 June 2015:
Righteousness is an acknowledgement from God and not from any human or human organization. 
Truth Light:(Unedited): 27 June 2015:
 A person who has been in the cave of shadowed deceptions for their whole life. Becomes greatly pained when the brilliant light of truth shines into their newly opened eyes.
Before you research the below links. Pray and meditate upon them first. Ask God your Father to allow your eyes to be opened, Your mind to understand the wisdom and knowledge contained within. Don't just read from the surface. Go deeper into every Bible verse. Allow and Let in the Word to reveal the Word into your spirit, mind and heart. Let these truths illuminate the lies within you and burn them up until they all become wind blown ash.
All I am is a finger pointer. The finger is only important until you see the source of the truth being pointed to. Then you move all of your attention to that source and move forward in your life. Forgetting about me. That is my sole intention.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Threatened Theologian: (UNedited): 11 June 2015:

Without repentance, reverence and righteousness. The religious shall be threatened with becoming a theologian.
The three keys to being aware of your spiritual connections with the Divine God are as follows. Repentance, Reverence and Righteousness. But these three keys are not the first things you need to begin this logical awareness in your journey. Just as wisdom, knowledge and understanding also require something else but are logically tied to Repentance, Reverence and righteousness in some way.
There is a definite logical and mathematical relationship with the following term groupings. Not in listed order. The four groupings should be correct.
God, Spirit, Word.
Repentance, Reverence, Righteousness.
Love, Peace Harmony and Life.
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

How they relate to one another mathematically. Is beyond me. But, I do know it is so. Almost like one red apple plus one green apple equals one red and one green apples.  Did I even express my fruity example correctly?
There is also and inverse to those above blue words. In which I'm not entirely aware of. But here is a few. The words in red is my best guess.
satan, devil, lucifer.
hate, war/conflict, chaos, death/destruction.
ignorance/stupidity, incompetence, intolerant.
Sometimes the thesaurus is just weird. If your a wordy type. Read this or these. The antonyms. Do the antonyms for each of the blue words as well as the red words.
So I guess you can only be satisfied and happy if your unrepentant.
The word censure sticks out but is unrelated to this topic.

Theological relationships with these.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lawless Soul: (Unedited): 18 March 2015:

A gentle spirit/soul which chooses a life of sin and lawlessness. Is still easily put down.
For whatever reason a gentle soul or spirit chooses a life of sin and lawlessness is deep within their own psychology. To be able to walk into the darkness and to be able to engage with those dark souls who are at heart very explosively violent. Maybe for those gentle souls it is a path to self suicide. To exist in the dark world with darker souls.
When a gentle soul feels so worthless and unwanted. It is easy for them just to walk into the shadows and further into the darkness. To become of use to whomever or whatever is in the dark. Until, such a point that the usefulness of the gentle soul is no longer of any value. Then the gentle soul can be disposed of and their soul goes home to the god of the underworlds.
Yes, your family and friends shall be told that you went to heaven. But, that will most likely be a lie. As the owner ship for your soul has already been given away by you when you began to act upon sin and lawlessness without forgiveness or remorse. Your family and friends shall mourn you and believe the lies that your better off in heaven as that is where you shall be. 
The choices in life that we all make is based in our own free choice. Even if you think you have no other option but to walk into the shadows to become sinful and lawless. You shall still be judged. In that moment of your physical death. Your only hope shall be a do over or reincarnation if the God of all things is as merciful and loving as the everyone in Christian authority claims God is. I believe that God is loving and merciful and would not Judge a soul on mistakes made in a single short human life. Especially, when eternity and forever is involved. God being merciful would use the concept of reincarnation as HE sees fit to allow it. Would God allow reincarnation in every case? Don't know. Would God limit the number of reincarnations to happen with one soul? Don't know. I just know that God is going do what ever God is gonna do or not do. He is God and not me.
The reason I believe in Reincarnation. our spirits inhabit this physical form we call ourselves. I know there is something more after this body of ours expire. Just as John the Baptist was Elijah born again. Except physically not the same, but spiritually the same. This is the essence of reincarnation as spoken of by Jesus Christ. To Jesus it was just a matter of fact as it seemed.
The questions which would persist. Is reincarnation only allowed for those important souls or is reincarnation made available for every soul? That is for God to answer. Not me. My flawed human reason says it is just like how I am not a basketball player. I was not born to be one or i was not selected to be born as a basketball player. I think God selects souls to be reborn in bodies for that which is deemed necessary by God for whatever reason or purpose He has assigned to His decision.
For instance. I have seen many warrior souls born into severely handicapped bodies. I just have that sense of basic soul identity. Very basic. How is that for war. To fight a fight that you cannot physically win. When do you give up? or do you transcend your physical limitations as my aunt has and become a gentle warrior spirit. But how? how can you be a gentle warrior? A warrior must be violent and dangerous. I myself am not completely intellectually and spiritually evolved enough to understand that in its completeness. Maybe, one day.
My Aunt DBW has just recently passed and her spirit was the first one I have ever seen within a human body. The obvious presence of angels were also about her. This was during my adoptive fathers last living time with his brothers and sister for fun.
Remember what I have stated not often enough. Find the positive in everything I write. For some of you this may be difficult. It is for me as well at times. I am not an educated person when it comes to writing. This is about reincarnation and hope. For many souls who have committed suicide. There may be hope for a do over. Just as there can be one soul to begin within a body and then a second soul to inhabit the same body when the first one is removed. Then that same first soul can become the son of that second soul. Think about that.
Can a son or daughter become the parent of their mothers souls who had died in some way? maybe.
Did I lose you yet? All things are possible for very specific purposes of God.
The gentle spirit/soul which gets itself misguided in some fashion will most likely have more mercy than those spirits/souls who are absolute in their lawlessness and sin.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 