Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Less: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2015:

Holy Spirit
Please permanently permeate my whole being.
Until, I become less than.
Pride, arrogance and ego. Is something I fight/struggle with always. I guess we all do.  It seems we must fight/struggle to not be something or to become something else. That is where we always fail is when we force ourselves to fight/struggle.
To overcome.
To conquer.
To defeat.
To be victorious.
To become more than we are.
To become greater or superior.
To achieve or to gain more. 
It seems we never consider just to stop. To just cease doing. That is where this key message resides. The victory over ourselves and undesirable traits and all definition of sin is within the nothing. But, even in doing nothing. There shall be something which you may discover in your time or in the time in which God has chosen for you.
By simply beginning a prayer, meditative life. begins a process of doing nothing. Your prayer life is your focus on those things which are of God. Your meditative life is your beginning on controlling your thoughts, focusing on those things which are godly and righteous. By remaining motionless. You are not causing or perpetuating any harm in the world.
When you journey from here to anywhere. Just refuse to speak any negativity. just refuse to do anything wrong, sinful or evil. Become a singular cause of not doing anything harmful.
No matter your religion of faith. If your religious leaders primary tenant is based in either love, Peace, harmony, life, law or all of the above. Then expresses the opposite or gives celebrated permission for you to/or cause hate, war, chaos, death, lawlessness or all of the above in the name of God. Then you need to reasonably deduce within yourself. That this man or those religious leaders are evil. Plain and simple. Even though you may like them, love them and respect them. They are still evil and you have been deceived.
If in your religion you have the Laws of God. They should all be absolutely honored by your own free choice. If in that religion you are taught to disregard certain laws of God. Know that they are all evil and you remaining within that church or religion is against God.
If Apple Corp. created a device or app for their prideful and arrogant users it would be called
Apple "i Less".
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Willful Obedience: (Unedited): 14 NOv 2015:

Willful disobedience leads to a life bound in hell. While willful obedience can lead to a free life of enlightened righteousness. 
 Both obedience and disobedience end results contain a light. One light makes you an enslaved captive wanting for death. The other is a light which offers purity of righteous freedom and a respect for a free life of holiness.
There seems to be always much talk about how the prophecy of the abomination of desolation is related. Everyone seems to reference this end time event to a temple in Israel. This may very well be so.
But, It is related to everyone on a more personal level. Just as Yahshua proclaimed to the priests "Destroy this Temple and in three days I WILL raise it up." Do you think they were scoffing in response? Who were the scoffers?
So from this can we say that a temple or a holy place is made of flesh and bone? Can a temple or holy place be of brick or stone, fabric or wood, be of a great or small place? Yes, of course it can be. Those who have a genuine history of a continuous prayer life. Do you not feel the presence of the Lord wherever it is you may pray and meditate? Does it really matter the place more so than the condition of you? Do you not think if you were deep in the valley of shadows and death? The Lord is still with you? Do you not think if you were in prison or lost alone in some terrible place. The Lord is still with you? So just by reasonable thought. The condition of your whole temple or holy place. Though no where near in any equality to Yahshua. Is of greater importance than the place. The condition of your spirit, mind and body when they are all willfully attuned to God. Through your freely chosen willful obedience to the Word. Which is whom?
So what can we see in the prophetic signs in regards to the Abomination of desolation? 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

High Q: HighQ Haiku: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

Those who respect the job or mission while maintaining high Q's (Quality, Quantity, Qualified, Quintessential) shall be continuously accused by the insufficient for all of their ill perceived professional woes.
High Q Haiku: (Edited): 12 Nov 2015:
Maintain your mission
Quality and quantity,
Despite others' spite.
Those who are insufficient at work shall always blame the person who maintains their Q's mostly above and beyond what the bosses' desire as well as under budget. This continuous and unrelenting effort by a singular person amongst slow paced workers does create much hostility in one direction. That direction will be from the many toward the one. While the one will most likely be oblivious to the whining complaints of the many, the bosses need to be aware of that one singular sign, which is the many all at once complaining to the bosses while the one is silent. The many will look very bad if the one hard, efficient and smart worker remains employed. If the bosses offer a deaf ear to the complaints of the many, then the many will most likely begin to terrorize the one through sabotage of equipment that one person uses and sabotage of final products, jobs and missions. Also through subtle means will the many terrorize the one - through social exclusion of all kinds, through the spread of never ending rumors that the one will not hear anything about - until the point comes when no one will want to work with the one person any longer.
I tell you this truth: it is better for the bosses to rid themselves of the many instead of the one. If the bosses allow this kind of professional terrorism, sabotage and social ridicule to continue, then those immediate bosses need to be released from their own duties, to be followed by the release of the offending many.
In anything and everything you do, you should want to maintain the 4 Q's because you want to, not because you have to. The Quality of your work should always be easily seen and Quickly known by all. The Quantity of your work should be of a sufficient number as to tell those you are a smart, efficient and hard worker. You should always be Qualified above the minimum tested standards for general acceptance. You should have the desire to be a part of a Quintessential team.that also desires to maintain the Q's.
Edited By: RLD.
This work has been republished on:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wise Storm: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

The wise always seem to know which winds precede a severe storm. The wise always seem to make their final preparations to weather out the coming storm. The foolish begin their preparations once engulfed by the storm.
What is the definition of a storm? Is it only a natural weather formation which causes much death and destruction? Can a storm symbolize something more, like a serious illness or severe accident? Can a storm be your helplessness in regard to addictions, mental illness, joblessness, homelessness, or a combination of many different things?
The governments of the world are going to war and the civilian population isn't even aware. Wouldn't that be a surprise storm to be weathered. It wouldn't really matter who is the accused and guilty parties because it is you the civilian who will suffer the most while your politicians are safely tucked away in their COG (Continuation of Government) shelters being served by their pre-selected servants.
For the wise already know that no one is gonna provide for their needs in any emergency. While the foolish will angrily demand absolute support, help, medical care, housing and other aid.
The wise always seem to know ahead of time. They do as they do and are accused of being foolish by the worldly wise people. In the days of Noah when the flood waters rose and fell at the same time, the worldly wise were desperate in their sudden realization that they were wrong. In anger and hatred they all died but the 8 adults. This included every single ?human? child.
You doomsday preppers and survivalists, it is time to begin your final preparations or the completion of preps in the works. Look ahead at new preps which involve other like-minded persons, groups. Begin development with other outside groups. Create code words or signs which are similar to any other group. Code words or signs which indicate peace, danger, welcome, sickness, death, invasion and help, plus others. Then when travel becomes necessary after the storm, friends can read your signs or flags and know whether or not to come closer. After any serious storms a new date system should be established, like year 1 of 1000. But even the date may need to be altered, for after everything has been done no one can, nor will anyone have the will to, fight anymore.
Added on 11 Nov 2015:
This work has been republished on : Thank you to the owners of this newspaper for selecting my writing for publication.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Evil State: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2015:

It is a natural state of all that is evil. To destroy all that is good. All without any cause, reason or justification. 
Evil always follows the formula in degrees. Until, evil decides to go all in.  Evil is patient and wise in the manner of evil ways. Yes, There is evil wisdom, evil knowledge and evil understanding. It is all perfectly contrary to any good teachings.
The evil formula is as follows: 
That which is evil will slowly confuse, corrupt and contaminate that which is purely good. Until, such a point arises. Where evil is preferred and is considered good. There is no difference between good and evil. Then when there are not enough good people to reject this kind of insanity. The extinction process can then begin. When it does those leaders of the world. Religious, cultural, racial, political and military leaders of the world will all smile and become cheerful at their coming demise. Yes, even they shall be confused when the gods they worship begin to even devour them too in a blood letting frenzy. I bet you thought and still think you could trust those gods. Yes, those gods who are just far superior to any human being. It would be natural for us to prostrate in front of them all. But, we were made TO BE over them. Not today but eventually. If we do not become extinct before we evolve to that point.
This is NOT prophecy. It is just the way evil is. 
NOTE: "TO BE" over them is meant to be in regards to humbleness, righteousness, holiness. Not as superior rulers to be worshiped, honored. we are not to become masters or slave owners over any one or any creature. We are to become the simple farmer, caretaker, carpenter.
Yahshua came as a humble lamb and served humanity. We are supposed to follow his lead into the whole of the universe.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Dark Life: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

There is no joy or happiness in the life of darkness. There is however the perpetual state of loneliness and the feeling that no one really cares.
There is a lot in the life lived in darkness. You can do whatever you want and no one will ever really ever know who you are. But, they all will see what you are becoming and they will not care. You shall become as apathetic as they all are.  It is all your free choice of endless sin in the life of darkness.
So as long as you're a part of the party of loners, you will always be accepted. But, once you decide to stop living in darkness, they all will angrily hate you and accuse you of trying to be better than they are. But, if and when you ever return into the life of darkness, you will have to endure ridicule and then their apathetic acceptance.
Then when you die amongst them they will drink a toast to you, tell a few stories and maybe make a few jokes. Then they will all forget you were ever there as someone else sits in your seat.
There is a cost to all of this life of darkness. No one who is living a life in darkness even cares what the costs are or will be. This is the apathy taking a hold over your mind. So as long as you get what you want in that moment you want it, who cares what the future bill will be? Those who live in the darkness don't even want to hear about the light. They will even get angry if you come to them with how wonderful it is in the light. There can even be forgiveness from the light.
They know the truth. Those who freely choose to live in darkness know that if they reach out for the light, go forth into the light, all of their sins, crimes, mistakes and misdeeds shall be known and remembered. They will all know that they decided to live in the darkness in favor over their own family and the good friends who could not  go into the darkness to live their lives.
For those who already live and remain in darkness, many have already judged themselves and have been found deserving the solace of the final judgement to come from God.
These who freely choose to live and remain in darkness have already been judged by God. This is evidenced by their apathy, selfish desires and anger toward you who are good. For it is solely your goodness which reminds them just how bad and evil they were, are and have become.
Is there any hope for those who live in darkness? Sure there is and only God will know for certain.
For you who are in the light who have family members who have chosen to live and remain in darkness, continue to pray for them. Continue to love them. Continue to express compassion and mercy for them when needed, even if that mercy is in their own homelessness, hunger, medical care and burial.
For myself, it was with my adoptive father, his medical care and cremation/burial. His so-called girlfriend wanted to take care of him and use his money to fix a hot water heater, roof, car. Set up her children in a rented house. I denied all of it and banned her from any contact. After his bills were paid. There was no burial and I could only afford for him a cremation. At least he is with his own family by blood. After years and decades of total rejection of me and mine, I was the only one who he could trust in the end. At least his sister saw him take his last breath. Roll Tide.
There are many stories of people who have come out of the darkness and into the light. But those numbers are rare. Sometimes a person has to get so low and hit bottom without dying. Then for some reason, they either seek help or continue down the gutter's drain until they finally find death. In the end, no matter how it happens, you must find your comfort that you did not abandon them or walk away. It is always those who have chosen to live within the darkness who had walked away from you.
Note: Historically, I was not considered a good person by anyone who ever knew me. I brought embarrassment to my adopted father and to his family in many different ways. At least in his end. I could honor him.
Edited by: RLD.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Hope Walk: Different Hope: Hope Glimmers: Return Hope: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2015:

When you choose to walk out of your darkness, depression and despair in your adversity. This is when you will find your hope. 
Different Hope: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2015: 
There is little difference between the person who has hope and the person who has no hope. They each have been convinced to decide their own way. That's all. 
Hope Glimmers: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2015:
The glimmers of hope you see while secluded within your deep dark corner of your self created prison cell. Is the hope which has always been within you trying to express itself.
Return Hope: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2015: 
The hope within you that you allow to see the light of day. Will return back to you Joy, Peace and Confidence. 
You always have hope. Hope is always within you. It is you who have made the decision that you have no hope. Not having hope may not have been your own original thought. You may have believed other seemingly hopeless people in your family or from your friends. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spiritual Communication: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2015:

Today, Something weird happened. If you read my blogs on a regular basis. You may know that strong spirits can use a person to communicate with you. Nothing permanent and maybe only long enough to pose a question. It may not even be a spirit, It may be an Angel of even a fallen angel. It could even be The Holy Spirit or God. Or can it be which god?

Sometimes you have to look at those things which are not typical of a particular person.
I work in a cooler and I'm pretty much left alone to do my duties. I like it. I pray and meditate almost all of the time while I'm in there.
So here comes one of the assistant managers and he asks the A-Typical Question.
Are you going to save the world? another question on to some kind of heroics on my part?
 Of course I was flippant in answering of the question. I said naw. I'm just going to wait in here and chill and watch it all happen.
Here is the real answer.
1). The world cannot be saved by any one human being. Except Yahshua.
2). The world has already been given the option for eternal spiritual life. It is each individual persons free choice to accept, deny or to ignore it. 
3). There are to many people who seem to believe and to teach that all prophecies are absolute and that we are all helpless to consider any other avenue. Prophecies are not absolute and they all can be either prevented and or mitigated. 
4). There are to many people and religions who work hard insuring that all of the prophecies of the bad and sad manifest. This is just insane. Because, the end result of all of the bad and sad prophecies is our extinction. It matters not which religious prophecy or the incorrect interpretations of them.
5). The people of the world have already been given all of the wise sages, prophets, messengers we need to make a well informed decision. All of these chosen wise men and women all had some things in common. They followed the formula. Whether they were aware of it or not.
The formula is: Life=Love,Peace,Harmony,Law.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
It seems to me and I can be in error here. The Native American tribes or the tribal peoples of the world. Have been given the wise messages related to Life. The Christian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Love. The Islamic Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Peace. The Asian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Harmony. The Jewish Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of the Law. In which all of humanity have screwed them all up. Hence all of the bad and sad prophecies from all of the prophets, both approved and unapproved . The big question is. How do I save humanity or save the world. It is to only point to the purple words. Without threats, fears or intimidation. It is really this simple. If you want to live and to have a life worth living. Well, then logically adopt those purple words as something you should actively do in your own life, everyday. Not because you have to but because you want to and it is the right thing to do. To do what is right and wise is Righteous.
Before anyone can humanity. We each must first become our own heroes and save ourselves. That means by becoming righteous everyday.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Great Ships Dream: 06 Nov 2015:

Time is short. The countdown has begun. It doesn't really matter if you perceive it or not. If you do perceive it. It will only matter if you have been an obedient righteous person.

Many people could not see the great ships of dazzling colors. These ships were huge/immense and silent. These ships were obvious war ships. They were above the clouds way up high. The perception of clouds were also on the ground. But, it or they were not fog. I suspected my view of these ships were based on my own reasonably self defined perceptions. They were most likely not what I think I saw.
There were no human made aircraft in the skies at all. Then they attacked the power plants of the world in such a way which would not cause any harm. I perceived an explosion but there were no effects of an explosion. Yet, power remained on and I knew this to was a part of the countdown. Soon the total purification would begin.
I seemed to be questioning within myself that all of realty has been altered at a very fundamental level. I'm still not sure why or how or even how to articulate it all.
I went to see other people and they seemed to be oblivious and sluggish.
I saw a hurried doomsday prepper and he took what I knew I or he needed. I began to respond as if I were a doomsday prepper and then just stopped. It just doesn't matter any more.
I saw a huge ship hover over me, but it was really centered over a distant power plant. A visible countdown began under the vast ship and I knew it wasn't the so called mother ship. I saw countdown numerals and then a few symbols. Then an energy came down out of the ship and hit a power plant. I perceived an explosion and yet there was none. I knew I would be dead this very second and then I was not. An explosive wave. That I knew was filled with great heated radioactive energy just passed right through me and I was unharmed.
I saw people who were just completely unaware and sluggish. The great darkness began. This to was another countdown.
I have been affected by this dream. Somber.
Blog number 1177.
Possible date remembered 11/7.
As a possible observer. Is the possibility of harm to self diminished?
Wife was in dream and left up into the sky. No children were in the dream.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Signs of Living Judgement: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2015:

There are physical and psychological signs in which the righteous and holy person can discern in other people. Especially in regards to those persons who are still alive which has already been Judged by God already. This message is solely for those who are righteous, holy and have not been judged. Those who have already been judged. Will not even know this message or any other similar to this message. For the already Judged. There is zero hope for any sort of forgiveness or salvation. Most likely even unto their own children or off spring. They do not even care about. I write this knowing I'm inadequate to complete this message in it's entirety. Which means I've only come up with 5 signs. Which are not ordered and most likely not worded correctly. There is most likely more signs. In which you the righteous and holy shall be able to discern better than I can. If this partial message becomes fully revealed unto you with all necessary facts of the Bible. Then by brother and sister. Run with it and of course credit me not. I'm not one who needs credit or any accolades.   

Is this even possible? Can it be possible? That God can and will judge a person, a people, a city, a country and even a planet. While those people are still physically alive? Where in the Holy Bible can you find stories where God has judged while they still live?
1). The absolute knowing that your deeds are evil and yet you continue to do them.
2). Loss of any desire to change your evil ways.
3). Absolute apathy in anything  which is not self serving, self profiting or self gratifying.
4). Connections and relationships with "good" family and "good" friends permanently severed. (The word "good" actually means actually "good").
5). Anything and/or anyone which is good and pure. Shall become corrupted and contaminated with any involvement with you.
Added on 08 Nov 2015: 
Abominations in the USA. The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries Day 7.
With Rabbi Jonathon Cahn Day 7 watch entire video show of 58:30 minutes. Aired 29 Oct 2015: Show # 2859.
The show link is too long and not arranged correctly .
The final countdown.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Root Evil: (Unedited): 31 Oct 2015:

Disobedience is the root action to all evil which is done. 
All of the disobedience you have done in this life of yours is just one of those absolute factors which have placed you in that exact place you are at right now.  Are you in Jail, homeless, Low paying job or unemployed. Maybe, your that hardworking and self motivating slave driving sole. Who just wants to over come the past.
The most likely reason why you are in your undesirable situation. Is not because of anyone else but you. It doesn't matter if you were born into an undesirable family or was raised in the Hood. You are solely responsible for your own life.  The point is what do you do now? What are you going to do with your life now? How are you going to change your circumstance? Or is it just too late for you? Even if your will and resolve is too weak for your own change. Be directly honest with those young ones and demand of them not to become like you are now. Expect your own children to be better, smarter and wiser than you are. Point out and tell every story of why everything you know is wrong and point the way for them to seek out what is true and right.
By you opening the door for all of them to escape. Means they will be able to create for themselves their own self fulfilling prophecies in their own lives.
Those self fulling prophecies are critically important in every ones life. These are those intangible self reoccurring thoughts we all have within our own minds. You know what I'm talking about. Those repetitive thoughts of negativity, failures, impossibilities. Making those comparisons of how you are just one of the average statistics. Which means all you have to come in your future is disability, death, depression, detention and disharmony. These are all the lies of comparisons we all make with everyone who is in our similar circumstance. If they can't then I can't. If they died then I will. If they are in and out of detention then i will be to. if they are failures in life then so will I. Of course no one may never ever admit to it. Until, That thing happens. Which causes them or forces them to see the truth of their own world of absolute depressing ugliness. As was with me. For me it was genuine Love. To watch my first born son blue and unresponsive with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck many times. In January he will graduate college. A natural born leader. That is when for me and a new beginning.  
This is like saying to yourself CONTINUALLY.
to everyone 
to myself
By being disobedient to anyone. You are causing harm to them as well as yourself. Even though in that moment you think you have won or have gotten away. You harm yourself. Can you see how this is your own self perpetuating evil.  Your own self fulfilling prophecy of perpetual negativity. It is easy to fulfill your own negative thoughts. Just continue to make those wrong decisions in your life. They are usually the opposite of the right decisions. For instance. In the hood you cannot become educated if you pursue any betterment of yourself. Then you will be considered weak and thus targeted. You will suffer greatly in the hood for even thinking you can become better than anyone else. Who are unable to leave the hood life and hood culture.
This is all the continued genetic disobedience of Cain and the continuing disobedient curse of satan.
You can stop it. You can change. You can find your will and resolve. If you cannot or know not how. Then find a goody good person who you know can be your victim at any time. You know what I mean. This kind of person or persons who are so genuinely good with flowers, kindness and gratitude. That you almost want to vomit in their presence. Then you will know that they are those who you need in your life. Know that they do not need you.
There is also a subtlety to disobedience as well. We are all human beings and are all empathic. Because, we are all empathic we are almost required to act upon our empathy being triggered. But, because of our predestined free will. We all have the ability to act out with love, compassion and mercy. We can absolutely reject are human capacity of empathy. We can even be entertained by others dire circumstance in that moment through some kind sick and twisted form of humor. Any time we, you or me refuses to act out with love, mercy and compassion for any poor soul. We are all being disobedient. From this subtle disobedience we are all exercising evil behaviors.
Being obedient is an aspect of the formula for life.
Life = Love+Peace+Harmony+Law.
Being disobedient is an aspect of the formula for death.
To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Past Deep: (Unedited): 30 Oct 2015:

Truthful and deep, intangible wisdom, knowledge and understanding come to those souls who have gone past their own mentality and physicality to truly know what is not there. 
Wisdom and understanding can easily come from watching those around you. What to do and what not to do. Especially, the what not to do. You know watch some of those YouTube videos of people doing stupid things. Watching those whom you consider to be successful and then copying their actions. So that you can have similar gains. You can also learn much more from your own failures than you can from success. Think about that one for a moment. Who was that inventor that invented the everlasting candle after more than a thousand failures. Now we have LED light Bulbs.
These kinds of wisdom, knowledge and understand is only the tip of the ice berg. To what is really underneath the water. That point of division between the ice, the water and the air. One you cannot see but can feel if something wrong happens to the air.
To go really deep in your own journey to find new wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You must become blind, deaf, helpless, breathless, without senses and unfeeling. All of your fears, anxieties and psychological boxes must be released, opened or disappeared. Almost to the point that even your own physical body no longer matters any more.
Then after you free yourself from all of physicality. You can then begin a new journey into those deeply profound intangible things. 
-As I'm writing this. It always seemed to me that the wisest of the wise always seemed to be weakly thin. I wonder if that is some kind of clue. But, then you have that fat Buddha. The reader needs to know. I'm 5-10 inches and weigh 230 pounds. I'm not comparing myself to the wisdom of Buddha, only our common rotundness.
- I am not implying anywhere that you must die, to seek physical death or to continually flirt with death by any possibility. Nor am I implying that you must harm yourself in any way. I also, do not agree in anyway the use of any mind altering substances of any kind. No matter their legality or how they are prescribed for medical uses. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Hood Respect: Hood Life: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Not Complete
A life in the hood is solely based on the perpetual building of respect through Disobedience, Anti-civility, Lawlessness and Retaliation.
Hood Life: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2015: 
Physically leaving the hood culture for a better life cannot happen when you continue to exist mentally in the hood life. 
Living down here in Port Richey, Fl. of Pasco County. We have a huge transient problem. Families come here all of the time with their children they are trying to save from all of those bad gang member people up in the Yankee northern USA. The parents thinking their children are now safe. Get that rude awakening when only to discover that their precious innocent child is the one who was the cause of all of that drama up North and they brought the trouble down here into Florida.
he hood life and the hood culture. You may be able to leave one and yet keep the other within you. Thus, you may think and wish that your loved ones are now safe. But, it is they who have brought the Hood Mentality down with them to the sunny and safe state of Florida.
When you have grown up with any kind of life style. It is hard to escape from. No matter what it is. This is the same with the Hood life mentality. And yet you continue to listen to the hood life music. You watch the hood life music. You begin associations and relationships with other hood life people. Really, what has changed other than the physical location? Nothing.
Eventually, You will have zero options and opportunities for any kind of peaceful life with any kind of stable family structure. This is because, you have only a short time to become educated and to continue on in college. If you do not become educated and then continue on so that you can be gainfully employed. Your life is going to be really difficult and it doesn't even matter what hood your from. You will remain in one low income hood or another. This is because, all of the rules have changed once in 2001 and yet again in 2008. After, 2008, it is now virtually impossible to obtain quality employment without a marketable college degree. Just go and ask those 40 and 50 year old's who did not have a college degree but suddenly lost their management positions simply because of a corporate policy change in the minimum requirements for that position they held for so many years.
What are the lies and deceptions of any hood culture? It seems not to matter where ever the hood culture is in the world.
The lies are Life, Respect, Acceptance, Acknowledgement.
Expand on answers.
The truths of the Hood Culture.
Death, Disability, Addiction, Imprisonment, Anger, Hatred, sadness, Cruelties, Depression, Hopelessness, Continual and never ending fear.
Expand on answers. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tucson Mohawk Man: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Well The Tucson Mohawk Man is becoming a legend in Tucson, Arizona. Drives around in his White Nissan Low Rider. Currently sporting Licensed Star Wars Imperial wraps. I don't think he says very much. Just always in the back ground. In the shadows. Who is this guy?
Now he is quietly in the back of this new Tucson Rap song. See his Low-rider right away. How many times can you find the Tucson Mohawk Man?
If your in the Tucson area. Check up on the local car shows.
Even if you know this dude. Don't know that dude. Even though he is the only Tucson Mohawk man. He represents everyone with every ability, inability and disability.
 It's kind of like the rules of fight club. Just without all of the fighting. Who is the Tucson Mohawk Man? I have no idea what your talking about.
Tucson Car-Con 2015 at the Tucson Expo center.
Tucson Police Foundation: Cops and Rodders Car Show: 07 Nov 2015. Check website.
Little Anthony's Diner.
A Family Discount Storage
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Manifested Curses: Eliminate Curses: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Curses are very real in your reality. They are all of those bad and sad things in which you have wholly agreed with. Which means all of your internal negativity has expressed themselves into all of your outward manifestations of actual curses. 
Eliminate Curses: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015: 
Absolute rejection of all negativity and of all sin, Is the best way to eliminate the curses which have manifested into your daily life.  
By having negative people in or near your life has an affect of increasing the negative burdens of whole life upon you.
All of the curses you think you have will also manifest themselves into your reality. It is you who has given the power of curses over your life. 
Godly Curses
Outside influence curses.
Sinful curses applies to everyone. It matters not if you believe or not in the curses of sin.
You do not need a psychic for curse removal.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Magnified Cruelties: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2015:

As humanity gets closer to complete revelation. Personal worldwide cruelties shall be magnified. 
This is prophecy.
Judgement shall fall upon the living. Just as it was in the day of Noah. Only the remnant chosen by God shall be saved. That chosen remnant may be saved but not saved from the witnessing the judgement of God in all of it's ugliness (My words). Just as Noah was saved from the wrath of God. They were not saved from witnessing of it.  For the Judgement of God is absolute righteousness and holiness. There is no escape.
The cruelties which shall come forth to all of humanity. Shall be a continuation of steady worsening. At every level of humanity. Shall all peoples be persecuted by anyone for any reason. Extreme violence shall be expressed upon another human being for any expression of any kind of difference. All manor of civility will fade into complete animalistic barbarism.
The jails and prisons shall be partially emptied of those who went to jail for crimes which are now a legal right. Those who are in the corporate business of prisons will need a new customer base and these will be the newly criminalized Christians. These newly criminalized Christians may be brutalized, tortured and murdered while in jail. No one will ever know. Just as a road of Rome was lined with Crosses bearing Christians. Just as Rome slaughtered untold numbers of Christians in their Colosseum for entertainment purposes. So to will the modern Christians deaths be horrific and it will not matter if they are in jail or not.
The refugees who are streaming into Europe shall become peacefully settled and gratefully supported. Then in time. Those many who have lied about their Christian faith. Their young ones will begin to roam the streets in gangs to rape and beat those who are alone, weak, old. These are true Islamic terrorists who is bringing the war to your own countries, cities and homes. Because, they must create as much conflict, chaos, hate and death in order for the return of their Mahdi. They will be victorious. Because, the only way you will be able to destroy them is to kill and murder them all. All of their children. All of their female baby making machines. All of them. In doing so you magnify conflict, chaos, hate and death. In a soon to come time. They all will rise up as one and become lawless. It will not matter what country they are all in. Their first country of attack may be the USA. The attack on the USA may/will happen at any time. The European attacks may/will happen around the time of 2025-2040. The USA must fall before they all can go after Israel. Only God will know. Do you remember the formulas for life and for death? If you mix them in any manor. You still end up with Death as the end result over an extended period of time. Human extinction does not have to be quick.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
Death = Hate + Conflict/war + Chaos + Lawlessness.
The death of the USA shall come soon as they remove the Ten Commandments without any argument or struggle.
I no longer believe it is probable to avoid the coming prophecies of those accepted and non accepted prophets. It is to late. I believe judgement of God has already occurred. The execution of Godly justice is soon to come. But in case I'm in error and their is still hope. We all must decide on our own. To follow the purple words. Not out of fear. Not from any sort of intimidation or threat. But, from that deep place within all of us. To live the purple words because it is the right thing to do. Not because we have to or are forced to.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Extinction Begins: (Edited): 25 Oct 2015:

The extinction of humanity begins with you. 
What you do. 
What you have done.
What you haven't done.
What you will do.
But the continued existence of humanity also begins with you. It is our free choice. It is how we choose to live.
The religions and churches have fallen and are falling. The devoutness of the genuine are becoming a mere remnant of the whole. Isn't this prophetic? And yet those who have fallen seem to have become unable to change their ways. This is the passing of judgment, when sin is celebrated within the holy places.
If your church and religion teach one truth but expect you to follow another, you are facilitating the coming extinction. It shall be all your fault and not the fault of God.
Whose fault is it when you choose to hate others? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you choose to fight, go to war, promote and engage in conflict? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you act chaotically? Are entertained by others' chaos? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the laws of God are no longer of importance? When you no longer obey the Laws of God?  It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when you no longer consider becoming righteous or holy as something to actively aspire to? It is your fault.
Whose fault is it when the life of a human being no longer matters? When you actively agree with the right and freedom of abortion? It is your fault.
Don't blame God 
for the state of the world you live in. It is all your fault and the fault of your elders.
It is you who has lied, cheated and stole in your life in which you are solely responsible for.
It is you who has abused and tortured your own children and pets.
It is you who has done all of those sins in private and when you were caught, you decided to continue to sin at the total expense of your family and friends.
It is you who has murdered your namesake and genetic continuation of your blood line with your gay (LGBT) rights and legal freedoms. You have decided that.
It doesn't matter any more for all of you shall curse God and blame God for all that shall befall humanity. This is prophecy and was foretold. You have already been judged in this life. This is why apathy is spreading all across the world. Those who do not care have already been judged, even your children.
Think about this. Those who already have been judged have already celebrated sin within the holy places. Those who continue to remain in any church or religion which has accepted sin into their holy places are equally guilty of the desolation prophecy. They all will continue to sing, celebrate and be entertained even into their own destruction. They will know not why or even understand why God has done this to them. Maybe it was the god they choose to follow. The god of sin and of falling away. The god of this world system.
For those who have not been judged yet, the purple words are for you. There is a big difference between being merely religious and being righteous. Those who are religious pretend very hard to follow the purple words, while the righteous live the purple words, all without any threats, fears or intimidation.  If these words have shaken you into action of change, then do not follow me. I'm just a finger-pointer. Follow the Bible. Pray and meditate always. Clean up your life and walk away from all sin, even if that means walking away from your religion, church, family, friends, careers and the country you love. The word "remnant" does not mean many. You may find yourself alone with God.
(edited by RL)
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: This work has been republished on #Prophecy Everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Russian Defense: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2015:

By around 2025:
Russia will need 12-18 active overlay-ed large arrayed Radar systems similar to the ones in which they had during the cold war years. But, modernized.
Russia will need independent power plants for each facility. The sustained power output shall be far greater than the radar requirement. There will be a future defensive/offensive attachment.
These new radar stations will also need to evolve in directed energy weapons platforms in the Megawatt ranges. If and when these Megawatt directed energy weapons become reliable and coupled with the new ballistic missile radar systems. The Russian Ballistic missile shield will be effective.
First radar systems shall be seen as defensive. In which they are. Radar systems do not attack. They are just the eyes. I saw three Lasers in a triangle. Miles/KM's apart.
Second is power generation. Which must exceed needed requirements. The math just won't add up. Military requirements, commercial requirements and civilian requirements.
Third is the Megawatt LASER's installations.
Forth. To be followed up with typical military re-enforcement's. Hardened. 
Russia will need to master on demand satellite movements. By creating satellites with the ability to see and range with other satellites. Then to be able to park right next to them or on them and just launch darts into them or to grapple or to just suicide. For future collisions.
Russia will need to continue to up-range and increase the speed of their long distance cruise missiles. By placing several hundred at their new military facilities in the Arctic Islands and on the Siberian side of Alaskan coast. Beware, Russia wants Alaska back and will get it back. I see a flat building with a thousand skylights. They are not skylights.
Russia will need a reliable 5th generation fighter plane. That completes the thought of old school fighter airplanes. Speed, maneuverability, range and payloads. Yet, can still be easily serviceable by typical knuckle dragger military personnel (Meant with respect). It looks like Russia is getting very close and is most likely vastly/infinitely superior to the F35 and moderately superior to the F22.
The F35 news may be all negative propaganda for the benefit of the Americans. SunTzu comes to mind. When your numbers are low build more fires. When your numbers are high build fewer fires. (Paraphrase). Maybe, the F35 is a genuine superior awesome machine. But, then again. I think the bad news in regards to the F35 is all very accurate including the trillion dollar price tag. 
Russia will need a new armor platform. The T14 Armata tank platform. Looks superior to any other tank on Earth. Except one broke down while in a parade. A reminder of old soviet reliability issues.
I guess the big question. Is there a cause and an effect? Is the actions of the USA since the Iraqi invasion 25 years ago and the USA is still at war in the middle east. Why? Once you think about 25 years. Why? ISIS today is portrayed as the new enemy and the American government is financially supporting them? Is this true? the common American civilian may never know as the entire American news media seems to be controlled by corporations and the government. Yet, in response to Russian actions in Syria. The USA drops weapons, ammunition and grenades to Syrian rebels who are ISIS, ISIL or IS. Is the USA starting a war with Russia and China?
In the world today the USA is the biggest player or bully of them all. In prophecy the USA is not clearly identified. Which May or (most likely) mean(s) the USA is no longer in existence or is no longer an important player in the world. Either way the American civilian population seems to be the ones who shall soon suffer greatly. Just as the wealthy and politically powerful will live comfortably in their COG Doomsday shelters. Just as they are proclaiming all of those doomsday preppers as crazed lunatics and outlawing their essential human rights of survival. Even to gather rain water.
Anytime you cause unto others disability, death, destruction and disease. That is what you will always get in return. What you sow is what you shall also reap. A man who plants tomato seeds. Will not expect cattle to grow out of the ground in its due time.
Added on 30 Oct 2015: Russia and President Putin. 
You need to study strategy and tactics in regards to the letter "C".
Once you know them all. You will see just how "Confused" the media are in relation to the news reporting of "Cables".
Do Not Underestimate or question the resolve of President Putin. While the Bully American politicians want to play ignorant political games with Putin. He will knock the whole of America out. You need to understand "MAD" The whole of the USA is absolutely helpless. No one is investing in anything defensive for any civilian or even for any military base/post.
Oooops. Back to the Letter "C". Command, Control, Communications, Coordination, Civilians. (There are more I just forgot them.)
In warfare of any you must Control/limit or destroy all of the enemies "C's" while at the same time magnifying your "C's". In doing so you will "Conquer" your enemy.
So lets look at the underwater cable paranoia propaganda that Russia is conducting against the USA. It is all about Communications. So President Putin's actions is all about a strategy of preparation for actual warfare. Russia is actively preparing for war with the USA as is China. But, this is about Russia. Not China.
Remember those die hard movies. It's always about the Cash or the Control of energy and the Conversion/denial of US Currency in energy transactions.
So Russia will plant themselves into Syria as they have done in Crimea. The target will be the new energy resources of Israel. They may be able to limit or completely stop. But, Israel will have that new resource. Which at this time is still unknown, not found and most likely not Conceptualized. The target is Israel. By Creating energy uncertainty. Russia makes more money in energy. Thus, completing the building and modernizing of their entire military and space military programs.
Added on 09 Nov 2015: 
Russian military Coalitions are coming together. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey?, India?, Syria, Cuba and certain South American Countries.
It seems Americans think that India is our friend. When you look at the military contracts with Russia. This is direct evidence of A very tight relationship.
India is also buying military equipment from the USA.
I think the US military is run by insane persons. Meaning why would you launch a Trident Missile at night close to your own shore and not warn your local lawmen and the civilian airspace controllers?  Isn't that unnecessarily risking civilian lives? Which means they will push your buttons to cause you to launch your nukes. OR? is the American government so irresponsible and apathetic towards the civilian population? That it would Nuke it's own city like new York City and blame who? Russia You probably should count your nukes. That the Clinton's helped you build.
Added on 12 Nov 2015: Russian news.
Well Russian Military personnel accidentally and briefly released classified information on a nuclear torpedo on National Media.  Yea Right!!!. This is part of the game which is being played. The USA launches 2 Trident missiles in full view of millions of Americans and called it classified. The USA flies 2 B52 bombers near newly created Chinese islands. Expect a likewise response from China soon. Back to the nuclear torpedo. I think the idea has been around since the 1950's. Tactically could be used to eliminate Aircraft carrier battle groups. Underwater speed is said to be anywhere from 60mph to 200mph and run at a depth of several hundred feet. For tidal effects. Another use is in the attacks on naval bases as well as ports for civilian industry.  So could this be a possible future tidal wave event for New York city region? As discovered by Jonathan Kleck of the new US currency? Can the use of this giant nuclear super captivating torpedo be used against every civilian and military naval port in the USA @ once? Does Russia have that many and are they reliable?
Added on 22 Nov 2015: Jonathan Kleck tidal wave on the money? Maybe? Source?
Russian drone submarine. 10 MT nuclear warhead.
Think about this. The problem is fallout after any nuclear exchange or just a single sided delivery. Which poses the question. How would you occupy the country you have destroyed when radiation will kill your own troops and civilians? The answer could be. Allow the ocean to absorb the majority of the radioactivity while creating a tidal wave which may leave infrastructure behind. When the waters recede. So what would be the Russian targets against USA? All of the military and civilian ports. All of the military bases and posts which are in close proximity to the ocean. For instance. The complete destruction of New York city and Long Island. May require up to or more than 10 of these UUV drone submarines. Staggered x-miles/KM's  apart and maybe aligned in some way along the shallow deep water ridge.
Once detonated. The second incoming wave may be more destructive than the first.
Florida alone would require 20+ of these UUV submarine drones.
Maybe, one strategy is for the Russian military to focus nuclear strikes on fault zones and volcanoes.
Added on 12 July 2016: What you the reader may not know. Is that there are usually precursors or signs before any war goes hot.  1). Reject all lines of formal and informal communications. 2) Military movements. 3) kick out diplomats. 4) Modernize and modify all equipment for warfare right now. 5) Launch numerous satellites which are not scheduled. 6) Quickly plan war games with friends.
7) Last will need to be all submarines launch.
Here is a 2 year old story from list verse.
Here is another nearly two year old story.

I have been thinking about this today. The USA is not the same country or people they were in the 1940's. Since the 1950's the people and country has fallen away from their God and from their own families. The American person is now more self isolated than they ever have been. The American person no longer cares (apathy). Sure they may argue the point because they know the right answer to speak. But, in action the American person no longer cares. The American person no longer cares about righteous wisdom or the right way of thinking. Which translates into the right way to live your life.
So President Putin, is in trouble. How do you communicate with someone who doesn't care and the end result may very well be extinction?
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 