Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Last Prophetic Event: (Unedited): 24 April 2016:

In the aftermath of the last prophetic event. There will be no one alive to fear or give respect to the prophets. 
Prophecies are meant as warnings to the people to change from their evil ways and to return to a righteous and holy lifestyle. Prophecies may not be absolute events, which will occur.
In this modern day. There seems to be many professed prophets who proclaim to be right and glorify in themselves that they were right or were the first ones to be right in whatever they have said concerning an undesirable event(s). 
It is in fact very simple and yet so very difficult for humanity to cause the vast majority of all prophecies which have ever been written or spoken to be wrong. All everyone needs to do in order to save human lives and to save humanity from extinction is to do these things which are in purple below. All without any threats, fears and intimidation's. Each person must see these purple words below as truths of goodness and see that they are right. Then each of their own free will and free choice. Begin to live in accordance of those purple words below. Yes, there are more positive inferred purple words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for those people who are far more knowing than me.
To Love one another.
To live in Peace.
To exist in Harmony.
To cherish all Life. 
To obey the Laws. Sinless. Righteousness. Holiness.
In the prophetic warning of every prophecy ever written or spoken. If you continue to live in the red or even mix any aspect of the red into your lives. Then all of the purple will be of non existence. These red words below is the absolute inverse of the purple words above. The red words only appear to be more powerful than the purple words and in the physical they are. But deep within the dimensionality of true power. From strength to weakness. All of the purple words are genuinely superior to any of the red. Even though a single red word can appear to corrupt and contaminate the whole of the purple words.
Any aspect of the red words corrupts and contaminates the pureness and righteousness of your being.
lawlessness. sinful. disobedient.
Yes, there are more red negative inferred words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for people who are more knowing than me. It is your free choice to allow any of these red words to dwell within you and by doing so. You give power and probability to every bad and sad prophecy ever spoken and written. So, yes every bad thing which happens in which the hand of man touches is your fault, yes you, the reader of this. Just as it is all my fault because I'm a deeply flawed human being who is trying to make things right. So that we all can have an opportunity to each live lives worth living with a righteous meaning and a holy purpose. Because, it is really an either purple or red. You cannot mix any aspect of the red with the purple. Always has been. From the time of the first human/Adam.
Note: These purple and red words. Do form a logical math formula. I can only see a few of the elements. I can only see how it works in time and how either the red or purple can over take the other color thru time. The actual formula is not for me to see as I'm not educationally trained. As is evident in my writings. Thank you for enduring my words. If your one of my readers who takes what I right and make it better. Then do so, but only after prayer, meditation, and research. As always, no need to mention me. It is my intention to stop all bad and sad prophecies. Because, i would rather meet my God who says to me good and faithful servant rather then meeting an angry God who comes as a angry lion. That is prophecy. God comes again as an angry lion. Who wants to meet an angry lion or attempt to negotiate with an angry lion? Really. Contemplate on that one. Something no church or religion we even consider to think about. Go read the Bible and learn how many of the chosen people who were meant to be saved. Some of which began to try and negotiate with the life saving angels. Really. "Lot" and others.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lion King prophecy: (Unedited): 27 Nov 2015:

The coming Lion King will not recognize or acknowledge any established authority or ruling body.
The coming Lion King will not honor anyone's right to exist including all establishments.
The coming Lion King will bring great fear and shaking to all. Including the great deceiver's who proclaimed themselves as god's.
Have you ever thought to negotiate with a lion? Do you even think it is even possible? You may know of some lions in cages(zoo's) or performing in some circus acts. Even in those situations there is a great deception being practiced. An illusion of who has real power. The men and women who pretend to control the lions also have men with large guns ready to kill the lions if control is lost.
This is not the coming of the great Lion King. There will be no deceptions and no illusions. The coming of the Lion King will be an exercise of complete and absolute authority over all.
The Lion King shall come. The final countdown of the Lion King has already begun. This is not the only final countdown. The great deceivers have their own variety of final countdowns. These are primarily used as timers. Where one thing ends while other things begin. All of media is used against humanity while in full view of all.
The great deceiver's will try and leave the planet and the solar system. The great deceivers will offer up zero defense and zero resistance.  Even though their hateful and angered desires greatly suggest differently. All of the great deceivers plans, efforts and actions will amount to absolutely zero. The great deceivers will flee to only save themselves. The great deceivers will abandon all who have gave to them all. Even those who remain on Earth shall even stand to wage war against the Lion King. The great deceivers will have zero love, zero thoughts, zero cares, zero compassion and zero mercies for any of their subjects, slaves and servants. Everything the great deceivers do is only for themselves and nothing else. The great deceivers have only absolute apathy for anything which is not of or for themselves. No excuse and no escape for the great deceivers.
The great deceiver perfectly mixes great deceptions with little truths so that all of humanity will blindly follow their will.  This shall occur before the coming of the Lion King.
This is a note about the rapture:
The interpretations of the coming of Jesus Christ was incorrect. The Jewish people were under the authority of the Roman empire. So because of this hardship. The Jewish leaders knew the prophecies of their coming Messiah and they only assumed what was the best interpretations for them. Kind of selfish But it gave the religious elites greater wealth. What would you want a great warrior leader who destroys that which you hate and suffer under or a lamb? Think about it.
So today, most people in the Christian faith knows the prophecies and their feel good incorrect interpretations. no ones wants to endure unto the (their) end however that may happen. So the false prophets who profit greatly with their books all proclaim the feel good and easy account. Yet, today as in right now. The devout Christians are being tortured and murdered in Syria. Hundreds of Christian children have also been murdered. Entire villages destroyed. I ask you where is their rapture? Where is their mercy and compassion? Those who have suffered and have been martyred. I hope the Yahshua was the last desires of their hearts and thoughts in their mind. Then it can be said that they had endured unto their ending as prophesied in Matthew 24:13.
My view is Matthew 24:13.
What did Jesus say about the rapture? Can you find the word rapture in the Holy Bible?
Against the Rapture.
Of course here are those purple words again. If you want to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken by genuine prophets of God and it doesn't matter if they were ever accepted by any established religion. Then following the purple words below may just avert all of it.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Draw Closer 1and2: (Edited): 18 Sept 2015:

The righteous ones, knowing their days are drawing to a close, will have the natural urge to draw closer to their Father in Heaven. 
Draw Closer #2: (Edited): 20 Sept 2015:
 The righteous two who have become one soul shall know their days are short after these many years together. They celebrate and worship their Father in Heaven who is the Lord of all. Together hand-in-hand they become inseparable as they together draw closer to the Father. Together they have become one. 
 It is easy to see and know who the genuine righteous ones are. They fear not death or the coming uncertainty of it. It is beautiful to watch and elderly couple who walk hand in hand completely supporting one another. The each ensuring that the other shall not fall or falter. Both so committed to the other. That they each perpetually sacrifice their whole being to the other. Yet neither would ever proclaim that they ever sacrificed anything. because when your love is that deep and that committed. There is no sacrifice. There is no sacrifice for the other as there is only one soul in two bodies. 
Edited By: R.L.Dell
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dangerous Fear: Decided Decision: Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:

There was a time in my life when I feared my dangerous adoptive mother and yet I desperately needed her love. I also had fear for everything and of everyone else. If I was hurt in any way. I would always respond in anger, violence and misdeeds against those persons. Then one day as I was being beaten. I decided to stop screaming and to stop my panic. This started my adoptive mother. She knew in that moment that I will never fear her again. I could never ever verbally explain it better than this. This is from Will Smith in After Earth.
My adoptive mother was the greatest monster in my life. Then after she died when I was 13 and in Foster Care. I became my own monster in my life. I guess I was just so conditioned. That I needed all of that violence, turmoil, panic, desperation, unnecessary risk, drama and all of those other things which just go along with all of that. It was all I knew. It was all I had. Then to give up all of that bad and sad. just left me in the quiet alone. Which just seemed more awful then the physical pains and traumas. I know I'm being vague. Do I really need to be specific here. If you were abused. Then you just know or have a very good idea. This is supposed to be about you as I have already conquered the bad and sad in my life. There was no one there even though I always expected someone to save me and then when a good person did come around. I bit their heads off (Symbolically). Really. That was smart of me (NOT). There is much hope for you. You are stronger than most as you have survived the worst that life can bring to you. Yes, you deeply feel those who you once knew. Who did not survive. Move forward and choose a better more gooder life. In their memory as well. All the way until you forget their names.
Short version. 1:18.
Not as short version: 4:13.
How many times did she try to kill me? How many times did she knock me out? I am who I am today because of her. She forced me to either become strong or die. She forced me to choose between giving up or to never ever quit. Harsh? yes. Fair? no. Evil? Absolutely. The essence of all of the abuses and tortures is as I stand here alive or really sitting in a broken pink flowery girlie chair. Contemplating all of this. Not reminiscing in any of those terrible dark memories or reliving any of those depressing and hopeless emotions.  To me all of those memories have become just cold historical evidences of my former life. I am no longer who I was back then. In time you can say the same thing about yourself. Once you make that deep decision. Which changes everything that you are now.
I did make that decision. Even though I could not articulate very much back then and still not able to verbally speak those profound words any better than Will Smith in character.
From that very same action within my own mind. That place so deep where words just become inefficient.
Decided Decision: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
"I decided and from that very decision changed my base mental programming forever."
From that one decision. Led to others. No more mind altering anything. No alcohol. No drugs. Just No. All of that brutality, negativity, hate, anger, rejection I grew up with ends with me. Period.
I began searching for more lies and deceptions. Then I reject them all. In the same way I decided not to fear my adoptive mother any more.  I found the openly secret truth of racism and reject it.
I have never hit my children or my wife. This doesn't mean I wont lay several knots of understanding across your forehead if you act stupid in front of me. Please don't. I'm getting to old for that. Oh yea love and peace.
This is for you, The abused people. Find your own victory deep within your core being. Become your own hero and save yourself. Stop being the emotional and helpless victim. Become your own hero and save yourself. Hard words which are harsh. But, somehow and by someway your reading  my words. Nothing is working right and all of the answers are just to impossible for you. Of course they are impossible. That is because you have not acknowledged yourself. Your right to live. Your right to exist. Your right for all that you may want to BE possible. All I ever wanted was a family. Those unspoken words in which I shed many tears into the Gulf of Mexico on Clearwater Beach and Dunedin causeway. I knew I was worthless. I just knew it. I knew I was unwanted by everyone. I knew I had no hope. I knew everything was impossible for me. I knew I was dumb, stupid and retarded. I just knew it. I had no chance and zero opportunities. I knew i would be dead by the time I was 24. I just knew it. So why plan for anything.
Then I saw a poster of Mohamed Ali "I'M Possible". That sat in my mind for a long time. Before I could ever put it into action. I had to first Become my own hero and save myself and so should you. Can you see the difference? From impossible to I'm Possible.
So, what are you going to do now? You have been abused, maybe tortured. You may have been forgotten, rejected in every way. Your family members may have even tried to kill you. Maybe, your abuses that you had to endure were far greater than anything I ever had to endure and yet here you are.
I tell you the truth. You are far more powerful than anyone will ever give you credit for. You endured and survived. Make that decision to no longer be the forever helpless victim. Look into the future of your life and start taking those forward moving steps towards that finish line of your own design.
Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
Every success you achieve. Every single one.
Shall become your abusers badges of ultimate failures.
For their goal was to destroy you wholly.
Your light they could not extinguish.
They tried and failed.
You're already victorious.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Never Fear Water: (Unedited): 05 May 2015:

The fear of embarrassing ridicule can cause a person to never begin.
Fear we think of as those negative feelings that tend to prevent us from doing most anything. Putting our hands on the stove or sticking our tongues onto frozen poles up north or swimming with alligators in Florida. These seem like very reasonable fears of self protection and of course there are many many more.
BUT, There are those other fears which seem to be pressed onto us from society and from our peers. Your peers may not have the best regards for you and may only see your mistakes or accidents as instant sources for their own amusement. This very rude and selfish behavior can easily be seen in those YouTube videos where people go out and have those embarrassing accidents or do those things which were not thought out very well. In which you can hear their own so called friends in the back ground laughing while taking video of the stupidity. Any friend not even a good friend would stop another friend from doing any physically harming thing on purpose. I guess today in this modern world there are few friends while there are many who only associate with others who bring amusement and entertainment.
This same kind of attitudes can also prevent a person from ever beginning a thing. Even if that thing could be their thing of future perfection within their own lives.
To be laughed at no matter what the reason or cause. Seems to be more than enough to cause those delicate souls from ever taking that first step towards a wonderful dream or goal which can be manifested. I see this as one of the greatest thefts and cruelties in modern society today.
I'm an INFJ. As an INFJ I'm not immune from ridicule from my peers as there are not many peers in my world or this world of 7.2 billion people. I'm not a very good writer and yet I still write. I would suppose if ridicule affected me to that degree of stopping I would have several thousand quotes ago. But, The message seems to be more important than proper writing style and you do have to really think about what you read from my uneducated writing style. Can you just get over how I do not use the word There, their or the other one incorrectly from time to time or is that most of the time. Because if you cant it's like staring at the finger and missing everything else. aha, Bruce Lee mix "Be water my friend".Yes copy and paste, go watch it.
Think about Bruce Lee. I do not know if he was an INFJ . But, he suffered ridicule and death threats from all of the Asian martial arts community. Yet, today his vision can be seen in the mixed martial arts which is very popular today. Except for the obvious absence of wisdom and understanding which has been associated with martial arts in their recent history. I guess that is a great sadness in martial arts. Where any person can achieve great skill and knowledge of any art and yet be so unaware of it's history, wisdom and understanding. This is emptiness or a cup with no water and you have an unquenchable thirst for something which seems to be that unknowing thing at the tip of your tongue.
We should all be like Bruce Lee and not like him at all. In other words be yourselves and be unyielding in your endeavors, even if you have not begun them yet or even have a clue as to what endeavor actually mean. Because , be water my friend.
This isn't about fighting and yet it is. Can you fight with yourself?  Can you fight the Bruce and Chuck which is within each of us at once? We all do and we all must. Those who do find there thing in life. Had to fight many internal battles to get to where they are today and we each must fight many more unknown battles just to see tomorrow.
The statistical and logical conclusion of my childhood dictates. I should be dead more than once, I should be homeless, I should be incarcerated, I should be forgotten. This is my reasonable truth. This is not showing off or up for comparison of bragging rights. I'm pretty sure I may not have been able to survive the life you have lived. This is just a proof that we all must fight our own fights from within and from the outer world. Just the pressure from the outer world can be enough to keep you within your own inner world and that may in fact be a crime. Because, you may be that one person who changes the whole of the world. Can you see how you could be that water flow of change. The avoidance of stagnancy should be within us all and become our outward expression in this life.
Added on 07 May 2015: This was republished by:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, January 23, 2015

Gay Outlaw: (Unedited): 23 Jan 2015:

A gay judge who convicts another gay person for being gay is a conviction upon himself/herself. Just as a gay politician who creates laws which are against the gay person. He to is outlawing himself/herself. 
 So, gay judges and gay politicians must be absolutely against any righteous or holy person from any religious tradition. Any religious tradition which has predetermined that 1)man/2)woman who love other 1)man/2)woman in a sinful manor is destined to be Judged by God unfavorably.
This is prophecy repeated. Look to other blogs I've written.
The political agenda for the Gay rights is to put into place and they already have. Those gay leaders who will promote the gay lifestyle as a fundamental right and freedom. But, it won't stop there. Christians will absolutely lose their freedom of speech and lose their freedom to teach anything which is anti gay hate speech, by LAW. Right now it is already a truth. Preachers will not teach anything which is ant-gay out of pure fear.  Because, These celebrated gay folk would only be the beginning and then there would be an evolution within the gay terrorist community. Just watch the 32 seconds. Nobody does anything except to pick up the papers.
So out of fear. American Pastors refuse to preach the whole word of God. Out of their fearful actions. The gay protestors are more fearful than God. This is truth. Just as the people of David suffered under this one sin of doing a census. So to will the people of your church suffer from your omission. Including your own family. Your children will not be excluded from the wrath of God or the attentions of satan.

If your church does not teach the whole Holy Bible then your church will become one of those which are to be disciplined in the book of revelation.
If you are attending a church which is not vocal against the gay community. Then you should leave that church and find one which teaches and preaches the  whole Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. 
Like I said this is prophecy and all that which is good, righteous and holy on planet earth loses to satan and his control over the whole worldly system. So what you are seeing right now is just part of the process of losing. This is already 2015. 7 years after 2008 and 14 years 2001. The question is what was significant national sin of 1994? Which would be 21 years ago. The dates are symbolic to their well known discipline. Which is a response to national sin a short time previous to the event.
In Christian prophecy. All of those who are righteous and holy in the eyes of God/Allah. Shall lose to the world system. Look at Islam right now. Are the righteous and holy ones winning or losing in the eyes of Allah? They are losing and shall continue to lose. Look at all of Christianity.Are the Christians winning or losing in the eyes of God? They are losing and shall continue to lose. Until, such a time comes. That those who remain holy and righteous are starved, tortured, abused, beaten and murdered. Just as the Christ Jesus was done. You better hope and pray there is a real rapture for the pre tribulation.
Added on 24 Jan 2015:
It is nearly automatic knowledge. That Christianity should not be acceptable or even tolerating to any gay rights or freedoms. So when the news comes out with two gay men who are married who want to send their children to a private christian school. Why would they do that? Just to receive an official rejection letter and then send their sad story to a reporter. Then follow up with law suits. See the happy family photo. Photo's can lie. Notice the head line. "Kids-rejected". Every Christian related organization, company, church, school will be attacked and litigated out of existence. Those who will not comply will go to jail for hate crimes and crimes against humanity.  This is the coming future for all Christians in the USA and the world. It will get worse. All because the Christian has refused to take responsible action for their God given country and now it shall be taken away. Where shall the Christian go? There is no where to go. You will be forced to take the mark or die. This is prophecy.
Added on 31 Jan 2015: Even Gay leaders within the church. The prince of the power of air is in full charge and control of churches. Not all churches but those who offer any acceptance of any homosexual or any other person in willful sin as defined with in the Holy Bible. ===========================
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Creation Care: Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:

A person who truly cares for every creation will by nature be righteous and holy in the sight of God.
 It is basically simple. If a person genuinely cares for you or anyone else. They will by logical reason follow the laws of God. Not because they have to but because they want to. A person who cares is not going to break any of the commandments in regards to you.
Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:
The freedom to choose to love one another without any fear or reservation is purity of Spirit, Mind and heart.
 Freedom. We today in this modern era seem to think that anything which in the old days were vile and immoral are now a freedom. When the day comes when freedom is defined as everything and anything can be done at any time and for any reason. That shall be the day when there will be no rational civilized people anymore. Humanity shall die and in it's place human appearing animals with no mind, heart or spirit.
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“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Apocalypse Ends Prophecy: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2014:

All of the apocalyptic prophecies spoken by all of those ancient and modern day Holy people can all come to an instant end. The apocalyptic prophecies do not have to be feared in any way. Mankind who are presently alive and those who shall be born. Do not have to live their lives expectant who global doom and extinction to come on that unknown but certain day to come.

The Catholics and Christians all have their End of days prophecies. The Muslim/Islamic traditions also have their own end time prophecies. The Native American traditions such as the Hopi all have their end of the age prophecies. It seems that every other culture also has their prophecies of doom which is to come in those days of great human darkness.

All of those prophecies seem to be clear in their messages to their perspective children of the future. The children of humanities future become inhumane, sinful, hateful, war mongering and apathetic to all things. So the divine GOD of those ancient Holy Texts is going to destroy this Earth with UN-quenching fire. Only those who are the selected remnant shall survive. The big question is. How do you define remnant? Could a remnant be as small as genetic material? If the remnant actually is genetic material. Then the rapture(s) become something completely different as currently interpreted. If we as a global family of humanity cannot return to a righteous and holy living as instructed by the author of the ancient Holy Texts. Then we shall all perish in hell fire. So to shall of those government types who have made their own self defined survival bunkers of COG (Continuation of Government) at the expense of their unimportant civilian populations. Those shall be their oven graves of ashen death.
The basic message is clear from all of the writings of those ancient Holy Texts. By freely choosing to abide by those laws, rules and lessons taught to all of us within those books. All of the apocalyptic prophecies ever spoken or written down will be instantly averted. Here is the simple list. Which is also a logical mathematical formula.

To Love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To honor and cherish all life.
To freely choose to live in accordance of the laws and rules of God.
To become righteous and holy in the eyes of GOD.

That is it. It is that simple. This is how we each end the coming apocalyptic nightmare to come-instantly. By rejecting to take up any arms/weapons against anyone. By refusing to march into war.
What it means to freely choose. Without fear and without threat. We each must choose. Not because we have to but because we want to. Because, living in those blue words above is the right and correct choice to make.
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   “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gentle Flashback: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2014:

There is a reason why I write these. They are incredibly personal and after 30+ years. I'm still having them. Although not in the intensity of my younger adulthood. These are for my family. I do believe all of the bad, sad and ugly is important for the generations to come after me. Needs to know. This is not just a revelation. This is about wisdom as well. there is wisdom in these which needs to be sifted out and learned.
In my younger life. There has always been drinking, legal mind altering drugs and cigarettes  involved. Well, the adoptive parents were involved with all of that.
A gentle flashback, but still a flash back. I had an opportunity of witnessing/observing some physically gifted young people who are in trouble with their grades. In order for them to play their sport. The school provides them with an after school study hall. With at least three adults to help out. One adult was the senior teacher of them all. Well, the kids were acting very immature. They had their technology watching some adult content and others typing away. There was no effective studying or tutoring going on. For one hour the teachers were struggling with the students and apparently this has been going on forever. Just amazing and for me the flash backs began.

Let me finish. I asked the senior teacher how many of her sports students would go to college for free if their grades were good enough. She said about 30-40 percent. That just hit me. The realization of the genuine cost to our young people who have become so immersed with culture and society that it robs them of their future. These young people do not care about the future let alone their own. Can you imagine being born with such a gift of having the probability of free college and then maybe the possibility of a professional career in a sport. Yet, these kids do not even see. The elder teacher then told me of their current star sports youth and how he started as a freshman. Then bad grades for two years and he couldn't play. Then in his senior year he started again. I was told that he probably could go to a junior college for two years and "Then Maybe", he will get recruited by a college team. But, with your high school history. Coaches may not be able to trust in his recruitment.
Then the story about his older brother. Who was also physically gifted and he never left the county. He volunteers for his sport as some kind of coach. The elder teacher said, Their parents always show up for the games already smelling of strong alcohol. What are the odds of this young man leaving the county. He probably won't.
Can you imagine becoming so immersed into a memory. That you no longer realize which reality is most real. That is how my flash backs used to be. Now, they are just memories of how my life used to be.
Growing up I had zero opportunities for a fair education. Zero opportunities for anything athletic. This is because of my life with my adoptive family.
I was always told to go to bed at night. I guess this would be typical for many young people. To much energy was within me. To much distrust and to much fear. I locked myself into my room and turn on the small black and white TV. The bedroom window prepared for easy and fast escape. If and when my adoptive parents would began fighting as was usual.
Can you imagine a young child creating an escape plan. Not even being able to use the bathroom for fear up being caught outside of the his bedroom. Because, I would become her target of physical violence and her attention in that regard was unrelenting.  It was almost. If I was out of sight. I was out of her mind. My black WEBCO bike was along my wall. Ready for my escape. Batman was always ready.
The ear plug plugged into the TV and clothing under the door to block the light.  The distraction of the TV seemed to be the distraction I needed in order to ease my fears. Will I become involved in their fighting tonight and how long will I be beaten. Will I die. When I did leave out the window of my bedroom. I usually went to Shakey's Pizza, Burger King, The drive-in and behind the movie theater (Popcorn). This stops were for thrown out food and entertainment.
If your a regular reader of any of my writings. You already know. I do not write very well. I did not have a fair opportunity for an education. Neither for sports. In which I think I would have done well in both. So when I see gifted youth just ignoring their gifts, ignoring their futures and ignoring any hopes and dreams. It just hurts to watch. Especially today, when there seems to be so much free money out there for those who were willing to do the work in High School. A young person today. Can effectively earn a deferred income for college. In the tune of up to $45 thousand per year of college scholarships, plus certain other perks.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Night ferguson: (Unedited): 26 Nov 2014:

The first day. I had to think about this for some time.
Well the police officer who shot the very large teenager. I did some basic research on his size. Will not be prosecuted in a court of law. I cannot say what I think on the matter or not. Because I have not been presented with the evidence. I have seen some very questionable actions by different individuals as well as from some various organizations.

I purposely stayed away from the mainstream media as well as any official reporting. This is what I saw from the point of view of people with camera phones.

From a distance to the right. I saw a police line and a lone police car which was not inside of any established perimeter. I quickly forgot about it. So did the camera person who was streaming. If he even noticed the police car.
The camera person was on the sidewalk with what looked like a simple police blockade. Some but not all of the police officers were using the strobe function of their high powered tactical LED flashlights at those who had camera phones. Word was getting around in the crowd that there was no where for them to go as the police had blocked every entry and exit points. This to me was evidence that many wanted to just go home and have had enough of their own defined peaceful demonstration. While others had no intention of leaving. I still had a sense that this group which seemed to be constantly moving around and just socializing with one another was just what it was. A peaceful social demonstration.

Comment: When you have rioters of any sort whether they are peaceful demonstrators or something more violent. You as the authority would want to create avenues for the demonstrators to move. Even if it is just a planned circle route. You would want the demonstrators physical stress to be tapered off by controlled gradual physical exertion.You do not want under any circumstance for any of the demonstrators to even think/believe that they have been trapped. That just creates many kinds of possible unfortunate psychological actions.
The streaming camera guy I was viewing began to move towards the other police line many blocks away to his right. Stopping many times to talk with friends or acquaintances. 
I saw a camera man drop and destroy his camera. Oh yea big bucks. I noticed no civilian bothering any media person. I noticed some fair skinned people walking around. Again, not being bothered.I had no sense of any violent intentions with this particular group of people. They seemed to be only a presence.
Then suddenly off to the left. Tear gas being shot off at  or near a primary location of major media. All attention was turned to that area for a period of time.
I thought it was interesting of how the lighted sign "Seasons Greetings" became more pronounced with tear gas smoke in the back ground.

Then back to the right. The police car which was not inside of any established perimeter was now on fire. The ammunition begins exploding.
Why was that police car outside of an established perimeter and why was it not protected?
Who was assigned to that car? and will that police officer become responsible for that car?
Was that police car used as some sort of free invitation to be burned and by whom? or which organization?

I saw person's near the rears with some very high quality breathing equipment/filters. I found that suspicious. They were not talking about what the police were doing to them. They were planning strategy as to where to go next.

The police decide to reestablish a new perimeter in front of the person whose camera I was viewing. Thus, encompassing the burning police car. At an established safe distance. This was after the ammunition had burned off.
Note: If this group was of the violent sort. The best time to attack any police is when they are in movement or transition from one established police line to another. There was absolutely no action from the civilians. Other than observe the brand new and freshly painted heavy military vehicles into place. That was noticed by everyone. This police force is a military unit. I noticed some police officers who were not in any kind of offensive or even defensive stance. Then I saw a few who were very defensive and it was those three men who were overtly in a physical defensive posture who caused the most fear amongst those on the sidewalk.

The streaming video guy I was watching decided to remain in place and I went to yahoo news/ Reuters news. For something about the riots. There was a news report and I made a comment. In which it was not accepted and I could not even back page to retrieve it. But those who made off handed accusations and other stupid comments were left on.

I had already had a long day. So, I shut it down.
This was just my observation after an hour or so of viewing. 

:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Friday, October 10, 2014

Intellectual Theologians: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

Many of the religious intellectuals and gifted theologians are pretenders of their chosen religion. Even they shall not be remembered in the day of the taking. For all of their rewards were of the worldly system before the coming of the great purification. 
 All of those within the chain of command or chain of responsibility within any religion. Is fully responsible for the actions of their chosen religion. They are all responsible for the teachings to the general population at large.

Woe to you who are in the chain of responsibility. This prophecy is for you.

If by religious law you allow your religion to accept sin as a freedom or as a right. Then you shall suffer For each child and each adult you teach a wrong to.

If you because of your own fears, worries, concerns do not teach the cost of sin or even just acknowledge sin within your own little church. Then you shall suffer for all of those who choose not to come to God and for all of those who have fallen into sin.

If you teach and cause for anyone to pursue a life of murder in the name of your God. Then it is you who have become their god. You shall endure the suffering of all of those who have freely given their lives in order to murder others. You shall endure the full weight of your teachings and actions. There will be no escape for you. Not even in spirit.

The stories in the ancient texts were for humanity to learn the lessons of life. They were not permissions for you to go back conflict/war, Chaos, Hate and death.

Even the common man shall suffer. Not only for their own sins but also for the sins of their sons and daughters. All of humanity is brother and sister to one another. So if a man within one religion goes off to murder for their religious leader and another man joins their own military in order to protect the innocent. One shall be responsible for the other, because they are brothers and sisters to eachother. Even though they each consider the other as an enemy they must kill.
This is not only for the Christian religion. It is for all.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Zombie Day: (Unedited): 30 Aug 2014:

The day you allow apathy to infect your mind, is the day you become a zombie. 
The original version of this may be better.
The day you allow apathy to infect your mind, is the day you cease being a human being. 
The very day you throw your hands up and proclaim that you don't care anymore. Is the day you stop being a human being. Because, caring is an essential emotion for being a human. If you begin to limit yourself or deny yourself your very own emotions. You begin to become a simple machine or you begin to DE-evolve into something lower than the pets we keep. Even the pets we keep show a lot of emotions. So denying your own emotions cause you to become less than your own pets.
Even though you may work with people who are apathetic does not mean you have to also be apathetic. It is exactly like saying since they reject being fully human so will I. Not very logical or mature. This is what many of us do. Why should I care if no one else cares about me? So denying your own humanity because no humans were around to care about you. Same thing. Just because a person looks like a human being does not mean they are being human.

in all that you do. You must continually show that you are fully human. Regardless if you work with people who do not care about doing the job correctly or completely. Just make sure you do the job correctly and completely every time.  Yes, your apathetic coworkers will take advantage of you and your supervisors won't show any compassion for you either. Just understand you work with zombies and it is against the law to kill the already dead(Humor). Don't harm anyone. Yes, you will become angry. Yes, it is not fair. For you to relent means you become less than who you are now. You will cease growing, Developing and evolving. Is it worth it for you to allow yourself to become apathetically infected? You better say, NO. For you to say yes means you will have a zombie birthday.
I decided to use the title "Zombie Day" because the retail stores are gearing up for Halloween. Which means zombies and other rather ugly and horrible shows and media content. Having permission to do mean things to one another. How is this right? Christians silently go off on Halloween night to celebrate. Christian Parents allow their children to celebrate Halloween with costumes. Churches sell pumpkins. Why? So that Christians can cut ghoulish faces upon them?

How do we teach apathy to children. It is easy. Make Halloween fun and entertaining. I've already witnessed one child become frightened by an automated half green person. Young children seem to instinctively know who they should be scared of. This child began to cry from fear and his parents laughed. Really. The parents were entertained by their sons cry from fear. This is what we do to our children. To let them know being scared is OK and getting scared is fun. That is until someone breaks the law. Then it is not fun. I'm already confused by this. So how is a 12 month old supposed to react? The 12 month old must completely depend on and totally trust in his parents for everything. The child knows if he cries the parents will save him. But, in this case they laugh at me like it's funny that I'm scared. really. What happens to trust? It starts to fade away.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lion's Presence: (Unedited): 16 July 2014:

From deep within the quiet calm of your Righteous being you can both hear and feel the Great Lions Presence in which you will not fear. 
From afar the great Lion slowly approaches the willing Righteous soul. The great Lion knows His very presence or even His intimate knowledge can cause harm. So He approaches slowly to the righteous seeker. The great lion can be trusted.
The great Lion is aware of all and choose whom He shall share His presence with. The righteous person shall know His love and compassion. The reprobate sinner shall know Him as the fierce predator and the finality of His Divine actions. The reprobate witnesses shall fear greatly and they flee and not change their ways. Not knowing that being reprobate means they have become incapable of change. For they the reprobate have already been judged by the Great Lion.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Life As It Is: (Unedited): 02 June 2014

Your life is as it is, because of what it was. 
Your life will be, what it will be, because of how you are now.
Change is difficult for everyone. It is just there are those who seem to be able to willing to endure change. While others do not. Even if a person is in a never ending undesirable situation in life. They for some reason want to maintain it. For a variety of fears as defined by that individual.

To sum this one up. What you have done or the lack of what you should have done in your life. Is the logical result of the life you have now. The life you will have is also the same logical result of what you will do or have not done right now.

In life there is always change in regards to aging, social networks and friendships. In your lifestyle there may be change in living in one place or another. Your employment may also change as well. Change is always coming at you in the face. You can have some level of control in your life. Sometimes you may have to lower your living standards in order to gain a little more through the gaining of education or skill sets. The gaining of education is currently the best hope any person can have to upgrade their life.

Going from no education to more educated can be very tiring. Especially, if you have no real family or family wealth and support.
For instance and this is for instance in order to explain a process. The nursing profession has literally dozens of steps for advancement. This may require you to go through a continuous educational process for a long period of time. Do the research on all of the medical certifications. To start at the lowest level and then work your way up. Working your way up may also mean more income and benefits. More income also may mean an improved living arrangement. Be warned upgrading your living arrangement to fast can also be like living inside of a mouse trap.
Added comment on 19 April 2015:
Thank You INFJ Cacofony.
By over coming your past. No matter how hellish it has ever been. Become your own hero. Rise up out of the fiery quagmire. Step forward and keep moving. No matter what. Become the sole force of wour own will power which moves you into the realm of your own defined personal greatness. Rid yourself of negative mindsets, behaviors and emotions this day. Because the day you rid yourself of all negativity's. Begins your future full of absolute positivity.
Updated on: 19 April 2015: Published on:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lion Heart: (Unedited): 27 Feb 2014:

The strongest people you know may have hearts of a lion or lioness. This does not alter the fragility of their own heart. Which can be as equally damaged or broken as your own. 
My heart breaks every time I discover a new abused child while in the foster care system. My heart breaks every time when I see the leaders of the world not just walking down the road of human extinction but running. My heart breaks when a mother is unable to have children while another mother does more than kill her own child. My heart breaks when I hear of the woman who just wants to talk with her love and he flees like the varmint he is.  My heart breaks and breaks and breaks everyday.
I desire life. I desire life for all. I desire a life full of love, peace and harmony for all of us. That is the essence of discovering what joy really means. You are all my brothers and sisters. Even if you disagree, or hate or desire harm of myself. Because, I am fully aware of just how small I am. Can you say something as I have? Can you take a stand or even take a seat? For the life we all were born to have. That is a truth. We were all born to live a life. A life of freedom.

In my own heart and mind. I have desired to give  up. It is difficult to admit. What else would I think and believe when I have been told terrible things by the adoptive mother whom I only knew as mom. Yet, even from those words and feelings of weakness. I timidly remained like Anakin the two legged kitten coming out of his pet carrier for the first time. Without knowing if I had a heart or even what that meant. Without even knowing what love was.

To give up on my human brothers and human sisters may be in my mind at this moment. It is not true. Just my own weakness of doubts. Because, I am a believer in prophecy and it's end results. The truth of prophecy is if it is created by human hands. Then it is not a certainty, it is only a probability. Even prophecy by any natural means becomes only a probability when the level of civilization is increased. This is truth. A truth that each person should know and not live under the cloud of fear.

Even if you give up or all of humanity gives up. I shall not. Even if you want me to.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sloppy Intimidation: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2013:

Psychological Intimidation may cause your opponent to create more errors and to be more sloppy. 
The fear of another can cause you to make many sloppy mistakes.  When you become more concerned with the better player than you are for how you are playing. Your defeat is more assured as well as the long lasting psychological affects of the defeat. Which was made worse through your own unprepared and undisciplined mind.

Prior to the game. Improve your power and speed. Improve the perfection of your skills. Improve your ability to focus and your ability to pay attention to the details. This is the best you can do. So do the best you can do.
Even if the predictions are that you wont score even a single point. Score that point and then the next. In doing so. You have attained victory by doing that which was formerly impossible for you.
All was Impossible,
 is what you were,
 as you begin to think about yourself as
99.9% of every game played is spent in the gym, on the track, in the pool, in your study of the game,your meditation on game play, Your perfected perfection of the game and your love for the game. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Intimidating Fear: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2013:

Effective intimidation causes your opponent to fear you before your arrival. 
The psychological effects of playing against a better team with better players can be very tough to overcome. You must not accept absolute defeat before the game even starts. To do so, lessens you and your quality of play.
Instead do these things. Practice perfection more. Improve your skills at all levels. Manage the threats presented before you. Be smart and play with honor and respect.
Force your better opponent to earn their victory. By doing so gains you respect and honor.
Do not allow any bad decisions tarnish their victory. Let it be pure.

By you pushing your opponent to be better. Your opponent will be pulling you to be better. Thus, both of you will mutually benefit from the actions of one another. Though you may lose the game. The great challenge you have faced , is in itself your victory.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Present Destiny: (Unedited): 06 July 2013

Fear not the unknown destiny you pursue with vigor. Because, your destiny will always manifest within every present moment you are aware. 
Your destiny has never been unknown or uncertain. Only your awareness of your destiny is the source of all of your uncertainty.  You are where you should be.You are there in that spot you sit. Your destiny always manifests in your present. Regardless if you are aware or not. All of your past decisions and actions, brought you here to this very moment.
If your current present isn't as you desired it to be. Then change something or change everything. Become self correcting and self governing towards the destiny you envision for yourself. You are the sole empowered being of your own self defined reality. Of course unless God says different.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Motivate Doom: (Unedited): 31 May 2013:

Your doom approaches when the only way to inspire or motivate your people to do good is through fear, threats, anger, hatred and rage. C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot move people to do good works or to live a good life with negative inspirations and motivations. In the short term. You may very well be successful in steering people to move in the direction of your choosing. In the end, they will hate you. Even if your motivations are true and righteous.

So Glenn Beck and others like him wants to save the USA. Very noble cause. He is trying to keep every one awake and active. He and they must realize that all is lost when threats of  any demise cannot move the population to keep and maintain their Country. A disease worse than cancer has already spread all across the land. It is
From apathy all is lost. You cannot force people to care for one another in an "all for me" culture.
You cannot motivate people based on self motivations or the loss of freedoms. The absence of WE in favor of Me, losses the wholeness of agreed upon unity. If a population cannot see or will not see the benefits of freedom in their lives. Then freedom they will not have. Love will be absent from them. Compassion will flee from them. The DE-evulation back in to the rules and laws of the animal kingdom will become prevalent. The laws of GOD has been pushed out of society. So the protections of GOD have not been removed. They also have been pushed away by the people through their continuous vote of evil people into offices for the last 60+ years.
The Non-Prophecies involving the Absence of the USA  is evident today in show like the Glenn Beck program.
Look at the absence of God within the mega churches within the USA. Yes, You get that feel good feeling. But, when the feeling disappears when you open the front door of your life. That feel good feeling is of the occult. Something which is only a covering to which that is true and real.
While the real and true churches of God suffers as Christ had in near destitution. This is where the righteous amongst you be. 
There is a reason why Glenn Beck is in Texas. Glenn Beck only thinks he knows. Those of you who follow and believe as Glenn Beck does. Make your plans to re-locate now to central Texas. Begin to organize your own economies, education programs, news sources and security. You have until mid 2015. You will then have to exclude all of those who are not of your own belief systems from your lives-Completely. Your part of Texas maybe your ARK.

Even within your micro-economy. You must exclude from doing business with anyone not of your agreements. After all, it is already being done in this USA by other groups. (Historically).
You cannot associate with those evil doers. In any way. 
There is no where else to go. We cannot go to another land or even planet. So, When those who left Europe to worship in peace with the discovery of "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem". They risked it all and sailed in ships to the new land.
What can you do? Better have babies.
Pray always.
Meditate constantly.
Contemplate often.
Worship in tune to your gifts.
Take actions in accordance to your inner guidance. Take Action.

Love must be the source for all motivations and inspirations.
