Showing posts with label Torture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Torture. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Empty Vessels of Nothingness: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:

Once you refuse to ever be the victim. You will begin to see deeply into the souls of your abusers and know them to be empty vessels of nothingness. 
Think about it. How can you ever have a meaningful relationship with those family members who had done your wrong? If you want to stay with your bad family. Then you will have to become just like them or worse become their forever abuse toy.  If you cannot find your courage and remain with your awful family. Then you will lose yourself and any hopes you may have ever had. Your dreams for a better life will become like the mid afternoon fog. What once was has become no more.
It is really tough to leave all that you know and to go on your own with no support system. Think about this. You never had a support system. People who support you do not belittle you, abuse you or even torture you.
So you must be courageous and just leave them all. Do not ever return. No Christmas cards either. No return addresses. No shared email and no phone calls.
In this life. Start with the building of your foundation. This is logical and wise. Your foundation must begin with your education. Your education is crucial for life's advancements. Then continue your education. These are your solid stepping stones in which you can build the life you decide for yourself.
Think about all of those things in which your bad family has taught to you. You can think negatively about them all or you can think how they have taught you "How to not live your life" and "How to not raise children".  This is positive and helpful. Than the contrary.
Good people seem to most of the time do good things. Which will seem very alien to you. Even the good persons humor may just not be funny to you. But, Good people tend to support one another and not rip apart each other. Good people are not entertained by you getting harmed in any way. You can find the good people in those good places. Again, those good places may be places you have never been to. All of that goodness may be just odd, weird and very weird. But, do not let that scare you off. Learn how to become a good person. If you really no longer desire to be like your awful family. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pain Depart: (Unedited): 16 March 2015:

That which causes you pain and suffering must depart from you. Before your own natural healing can begin. 
It does not matter what kind of pain you suffer from. Whether it be physical, mental or spiritual. You may even suffer from many pains and sufferings that involve many different parts of your whole being. 
Each and every thing which causes you pain must be removed from you before your natural healing can begin. Even if a body part has become to sick, to injured and to damaged. Then it must be removed so that you can return to good health.
That is key to good health. All that has ever harmed you or has caused you injury. Must be removed from you. This includes all mental and spiritual injuries. No matter how far back they occurred.All of those memories of your abuses and tortures must be released by you. You must let go of all of your old woes and ancient sufferings. Even if they only ended days, weeks or months ago.
For any of your mental and spiritual healing to begin. You must be in control of your own mind. You must not be intoxicated in any way. You must not be drugged up or medicated in any way. You must not even be medicated in any way with mind altering substances. This does include smoking. Smoking even cigarettes is an addictive mind altering substance.
In order for you to make any logical decision based in reason. You must be sober. Being better because of medications, cigarettes, smoking marijuana or having a few nightly drinks. Is not being completely healed or perfectly healthy. You must make that decision to be healed and to become healthy. This is what begins your journey to becoming mentally and spiritually healthy. It is the same with physical health. In order to be physically healthy. You must first remove that which is causing injury or sickness. Makes sense? yes.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Educational Flashback: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2014:

Incredible Headache right now. Pressure and tension in the back of my neck. I feel heat.
My body is here in this time and Now. But, my mind is back when I was 17 years old. Spring is in full swing in Florida of 1983. Most everyone I knew were all excited about their college prospects and their futures as adults on their own for the first time. Of course I'm writing this with my current adult perspective. But, back then. I didn't understand. I didn't even understand the concept of wearing gowns for graduating. I did not even understand the importance of graduating high school or the symbolic importance of it. After all, most kids have worked hard for 12 years in order to prepare for college and then onto their selected careers.
For me there was no preparation. School was only that something that I had to go to because it was the law. School was a place where I was not welcomed. I have wondered why I was not strong enough to work beyond those limitations that I believed in. That everyone believed in. I was a defective person with an IQ of about 70. I believed it. I was prescribed 50 Mg of Cylert and 50 Mg of Ritalin. I was raised in a house of abuse and torture. I never did any home work and never had to. Yet, I was still passed along. Then those foster care years. Where education was not important at all and every teacher in school didn't expect very much from me. I had a guardian and they all seemed to know that I was a trouble maker. That why kids are in foster care? right? because we have caused all of the problems in our families and our parents could not control us kids. Even though I was adopted. Yea, the adoptive mother told me that she should have never adopted me. So, how could I have even had a fair chance/opportunity for any type of an education? There wasn't.
Back to 1983. That is where my mind still is and I'm coping as I type it.
I knew there was a college and it was called St. Petersburg Junior College. I knew those adults studied something but I wasn't really sure nor was I even aware what for.
Some of those whom I hung out with were going to colleges far away and to Florida State and to other Colleges. They were excited and I felt their excitement and wanted that for myself. So, I talked with my dad and I sent out for information to the University of Alabama's engineering dept. That is what my dad was and where he went to college. So, why not. I had a very deep admiration for him. The respect he garnered from everyone else. He was incredibly intelligent and everyone knew it who worked with him. I could see this and feel it as well. I wanted that for me.
The end of the school year was coming and the beach was calling me. The graduation celebration was going on and ended and I still could not fathom as to why. Some friends were packing up and making more arrangements for after high school. Spending more time with their parents as opposed to going out to Clearwater beach.

Well, A bomb hit me. I had to go to summer school in order to graduate high school. Some class I never took in the ninth grade was a required course and was necessary in order to graduate. No one even caught it. Well, My attitude was. Oh well, i quit.  I'm done with it all. I just don't care. Yes, that is right. I had made that decision over one single class. Well, the dad didn't accept that decision at all and proclaimed that I would go and that I would finish. So, I did. He had never really been forceful with me over anything. This time he made that difference.
So I went to that one ninth grade social studies class and passed it. It was easy and the teacher had mercy upon me.

I received the University of Alabama, School of Engineering welcome and information booklets. I wanted so much to be positively excited about something in my life. Even though I had no clue and no direction. I read everything with anticipation and excitement. The history and going to a school my dad went to as well as the rest of the family. This is the next step in a young persons life and I was clearly seeing it. This leads to more opportunities. Even though I wasn't exactly clear on what that meant.
Then I got to the minimum requirements page and my heart just sank. My high school GPA was a 1.81 something. Which doesn't really qualify you for entry to anywhere let alone a top notch university. What little self esteem I had was lower than ever. I watched people say good bye to their old friends and said goodbye to them as well. Never saw them again.
I would assume they went onto college. Celebrated graduation and entered adulthood with excitement.
Sitting on the living room floor. My dad was quiet and I just threw it all away. I'm useless. Now all of a sudden I'm thinking about my future. The other kids had 12 years to prepare and plan for college and adulthood. I only thought about this for less than 45 days+/-. That quickly I was denied.
My hope was again gone. What little bit of hope I had and I wasn't even aware of and now I'm aware of hope and it was gone. This has been a brutal joke and just accepted that my life would end in some tragedy. Thus ending it all. It would probably be the best thing for my dad if I died. He never really cared as I knew I was an embarrassment to him and yet again I proved it.
So I just went on living my life as I had done. Until, I died. I figured I could not live past 24 years of age.
End of Flashback. Though the head ache is still very painful. Sounds hurt. Lights hurt. The typing rings echoes in my brain.
:Prophetic Observations:
Back in 1983. A four year college degree would support your family pretty well. With only one parent working. Today, This what I am about to say seems to still be some secret. You now must have and be able to obtain multiple related college degrees. In order to have a comfortable lifestyle. In which both parents must work. In thirty years. These are the changes in which I have witnessed.
I do foresee more education for more advancements and income potential. The day where all you need is a single four year college degree is over. Do not become forty years old with only one singular four year college degree and do not get entrapped with one of those fake college degrees from Phoenix, Devry or ITT type of phony schools.
Please learn this wisdom and understand it's message. Make those right and correct decisions in your life. Plan your progressing educational future accordingly. Accept this truth that education is forever and is necessary for promotion and more income potentials.
I am exhausted from this. Back pain and tensions. I work through this one. I do not drink nor take drugs. I do not smoke anything. I do not take any mind altering medications.
When you have much trauma in your life. You just gotta let it flow and learn all you can from those flashbacks. It also, helps to have much hugs while your enduring through them.
You must understand. To take any mind altering medication does not help you through the healing process. It hinders and stops it. Drinking alcohol and smoking also do not help you in healing from what ever trauma in which you have survived. Even if the end results of your trauma is, that there is no logical way or reason as to why you have survived. But you/I did. Because, of that fluke of nature. We must choose to march forward and onward.
NO EXCUSES for the life you want for yourself tomorrow. Live all of your tomorrows with purpose, focus, determination and meaning. Your not a fluke nor are you an accident.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Harsh Life: (Edited): 25 Sept 2014:

The harshness of life is the best test which measures what kind of human being you truly are and have been.  
 There is always something to learn about yourself. What have you done in your life? What are you doing now? It is all very important and defines the kind of human being you are today.
It seems the easiness of life breeds weakness and yet at the same time the harshness of life seems to destroy a person. What is in common with those people who seem to have excelled in whichever life has been presented to them? A foster kid who knew not acceptance or love goes on to be a member of an NFL super bowl team. A rich kid has the physical talent of a sport, and yet has no heart for it. A youthful foreigner who knows first hand the life costs of not having an educational opportunity digs deeply into the books of learning. Another youthful foreigner brings with him all of the entrapments of an impossible life to live in a free country and yet continues on as a slave in life.
What does it mean for you and the efforts you have made in this life or have not made? Your life is your fault. Ahhh but, what about my bad and sad childhood? It was really bad and sad and some very unmentionable things were done to me repeatedly. For years this happened and maybe for most of your 18 years of being a child. You have experienced and witnessed some very bad things. What do you do now? How do you go on now? What can you do now? Can you do anything?
Fight for yourself. Fight for your sanity. Fight for your right to live a decent life. You have all of the tools you need, NOW FIGHT and continue to fight even if there are more setbacks. The devil has already tried to end you, when you were at your most helpless and most innocent. Now you're aware and that, my friend, can be enough to defeat the enemy, any enemy no matter how big and tall they are, no matter how many they may be.
So you survived a child's hell. It was not pretty or pleasant. What did you learn from it? Anything positive? Anything positively revealing about yourself? Maybe that you could still be a responsible mother to your own awful mother? Can you see the strength you had, even through all of your weakness and innocence? Can you see through the fog of anger, hatred and apathy toward everyone who should have saved you? You still must resolve these issues within you in order for you to have a healthy life, a life of genuine well-being and happiness. Happiness is very possible for those who have been tortured and abused for long periods of time. You just have to forgive and to move on. You just have to understand that you were just the present body. That if it were not for your presence, they would have abused and tortured another. All of the abuses and tortures you have endured were never ever about you in any way. It was and always will be about them. I learned this lesson because I had to be adopted into it. If they had gone elsewhere and then adopted, then it would have been someone else and not me. I was just the selected body for them to abuse and to torture. It is that simple. That one realization has helped me greatly.
The movie Sucker Punch is one of those movies which I liked and hated.  You do have to get over the scantily clad women in order to see the deeper meaning of this movie, which is ugly and abusive. That deep meaning of empowerment and self resolve. What are you willing to do for your freedom? Can you love another in a healthy way as to sacrifice yourself? Is that sacrifice just another definition of freedom?
If you cannot see beyond the physicality of the women then do not watch it. Really. I am not interested in causing cheap and disgraceful thrills in anyone. Life can be ugly and has been for me. Life is and has been much uglier to many of my foster brothers and sisters than I could have ever survived.
This movie is about rape from a step-father. Accidental murder. Abandonment. Prostitution as displayed as cleanly as possible. Disillusions and fantasy. Mental illness. Many different kinds of abuses.
--Samurai Fight Scene------linked fixed 12 June 2017----
Added on 15 May 2016: TobyMac
It is tough to have all of those dark and torturous memories freely floating at the forefront of your thinking. Hopefully the abusers and those who had tortured you are out of your life. I hope you never return to them unless some very clear and profound changes occur within each of them.
But what of you? How will you go forward into the unknown, not being able to trust? You just have to soldier onward. You have to crush and destroy all of the negativity within you. Yes, it is possible. Yes, you can have a normal life. You just have to realize that all of the negativity, all of the abuses, all of your sufferings were not created by you or caused by you. All of those bad and sad memories were given to you by evil people who had done you a great wrong. This is why you should let all of that go. None of that bad stuff originated from you. It was all outside of you, all without your permission. So now by your own permission tell all of those bad and sad memories that they belong to someone else and they will no longer have power over you any more. Empower yourself to go and get your college education, to stop using all mind-altering intoxicants, to begin to create new and wonderful memories that you want to have within your own mind.
Your memories are your own and of your own creation.
Just watching a hundred sunsets and a hundred sunrises will offset some bad and sad memories.
Taking a hundred walks in parks will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Watching a hundred funny movies will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Learning something new and developing the new skill will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Volunteering to be of service to others will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
Continuing your education will offset some of the bad and sad memories.
These are just the beginnings to a new you and they will only cover over your bad and sad memories. The final decision is all within you. If you assign those bad and sad memories importance or give them control over your life, then they shall. It will not matter how many good and happy memories you create if you consider the good to have a low value within you. You have to decide for yourself. No one can do it for you. You have to face your internal demons and conquer them. All of them. If you're reading this and you are safe now, then move forward as a good soldier. Fight for yourself, your sanity and your life. You are and have always been worth it, no matter the untold thousands of times those evil people whom you loved told you awful and hurtful things. Always remember every success you have is a failure to them who did you wrong. Seek no revenge even though all of your successes shall be nails within their own coffins. For they could not conquer you.
Added on 22 April 2015:
This work has been published on
Thank You guys very much.
Edited on 12 June 2017:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Perfect Complete: (Unedited): Years Ago:

"Possible Repeat posting"
I Am now and always completely healed and perfectly healthy. 
This is the most perfect and complete prayer, meditation and affirmation. Which has ever come to me.

Lets break it down.

"I Am"

"now and always"

This is time based. Meaning past, present and future.

"Completely Healed"
The healing process is complete.
Does not identify the ailment, disease, abuse, torture, source of suffering or misery. To mentally repeat which causes you harm also reinforces your ownership of it. So stop saying to yourself and to other "I HAVE a headache, MY disease is treatable. Even the word treatable is not a healing. You must change how you think and communicate. Within yourself and outside of yourself.

"perfectly healthy"
The healthy lifestyle is always maintained.
End of ailment, end of disease, end of suffering, end of misery. No aspect of that which has afflicted you is identified or remembered. From here on and moving forward. Do not even address anything negative, bad or sad as what I had or any variation of ownership. It matters not if it is inward or outward ownership. Ending your torment means forgetting it and releasing it from your possession. This is not just about sickness, it is also about abuse, torture and any other mistreatment you have survived and endured.

BEING perfectly healthy means living a life which is healthy. This includes foods, social decisions, cultural decisions,  religious affiliations, political affiliations and lifestyle choices.
If it is not right and correct as defined by the old ways. Then it is not healthy for your physical body and is not healthy for your spiritual body. 
This also includes anything which chemically alters your mind. It matters not the legality, cultural acceptance or social practices. To chemically alter your mind also weakens your physical and spiritual connections for protection of the whole self. So do not take, inhale or consume any mind altering substance.

The partial phrasing can proceed anything positive you want or need to express.

"I AM now and always_____________________________________."
You fill in the blank. So as long as you do not add anything negative or harmful. Change the way you think and act. Become positive and hopeful. You can do it. When you begin this new process of thinking. It will be difficult and hard. Especially, when there is so much pain and hurt. Especially, when you may have no memory of ever feeling anything good, ever. The bad and sad may be all you have ever known. Ownership of all of your bad and sad maybe all you have ever had and to put it all behind may cause you much fear and trepidations. It is all OK and so are you OK. This is a spiritual make over of your new spiritual home. Your new spiritual home does not need for you to bring in the trash from your past. The broken and infested furniture of the old. Or anything else which perpetuates any of the sadness you have ever felt.
Most people who have purchased a new home. Become excited of obtaining new and better things for their new home. So it can be for you. When you begin to feel empty and alone inside of your new spiritual home. This is a very good opportunity a positive one. because, now all of the negativity is absent. All of the bad and sad is gone. That emptiness of your new spiritual home is a new and wonderful opportunity. Everything is new and fresh. A wonderful time for your new beginning to begin.

A new line to this. Although these tend to be absent of GOD.
"I can now and always_______________________________________."
"I will now and always________________________________________."
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Present: (Unedited): 28 Nov 2013:

Being thankful for what is present now. Is more important than the bad and sad memories of the past you survived. 
 My childhood story may sound bad and sad. But, there are a large number of children who have survived more abuses and tortures than I have. Then there are those children who died at the hands of their evil parents and relatives.
If you are reading this now. You have survived your awful past and stand victorious. Be thankful. Yes, thankful for your past. Because, your enduring strength is proven. Even though you may feel like the damaged victim. You survived it all and hopefully you are now in a safe place.

I am today, very thankful for what I have endured. I am very thankful for my wife and children. I am thankful for the life I have and had. I have experienced much and evolved from all of those negative experiences. This is important. So is the life you have had and will have. I hope you can find the positive in your whole life. Even if it does seem like that golden needle in a sea of golden hay. Your search for the positives in your life is well worth it.All of the abuse and tortures you have had to endure. Was never about you. It was always them, those who did those terrible things to you. You were just the body present.

Everyday is a Thanksgiving. I hope everyone can live everyday of their lives in a joyful celebration.
Added on: 26 April 2015: minor editing and additional content.
 Republished on:
Thank You cacofony team for adding my works. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Freedom Bound: (Unedited): 22 Nov 2013:

It is impossible for you to experience your freedom, when you continue to refuse to release your broken chains of enslavement, which had bound you. 
To be free. What does it truly mean? If you look below. The definition seems to be only about physical restraint. But, what about mental restraint or spiritual restraint? or coming soon to a life zone near you, genetic restraint?
We have today, mental restraint through legal and illegal chemicals. Restraints through various addictions. Drugs and addictions are restraints and are not something which enhances or magnifies your awareness.
There are also, those people who have been so psychologically traumatized by their past, they continue to live in it. Thus are uncontrollably enslaved by it. Psychologist and psychiatrists of this modern day often time replaced minimize one form of enslavement with a chemical enslavement. Now that person has two and then eventually more form of chemical enslavement. This of course assuming the patient has zero forms of any brain damage which can be seen in a variety of active brain scans.
It seems the old tried and true method of logical reasoning is no longer a useful tool when it is so easy to prescribe a mind altering medication and thus keeping a patient forever. This is an evil marriage. Til death do you part and if you the patient happen to commit suicide. The doctors can claim that they were right all along, you were insane. No one ever questions the doctors and the pills they hand out. Of course assuming there is no conclusive medical test to prove any brain damage. Those doctors should be held accountable for all of the suicides and heart attacks of children who are medicated.
Your freedom is your to have right now. You just have to let go of that which is keeping you down. The lies of racism. The abuse and tortures of your past. The failures in your life. No matter what ever it may be. Just let it go. This has been a hard lesson for me to do. To just let it go. Even if it is all I had or all you have. You just have to let it all go. I have done that.
 It was after the realization that all of the abuses, the tortures and etc. They were not my fault or even about me. I was just the body. If my bio-mother had that abortion in Mexico. My adoptive parents would have adopted someone else and that innocent child would have had to endure what I did.
It was also after the realization that all that I had endured was in fact not God's fault. The fault solely lies in the hands of my adoptive parents, certain foster parents, certain shelter home parents, counselors and etc. There lies the blame. This led to the further realization that all of the problems we have on earth are all the faults of the humans who reside on this planet, throughout it's long histories.
God is a wise and loving God. However you name him within your own culture. He will not strike you dead if you commit a sin. Why is that? To be fundamentally brief and very fundamentally basic. So, that we can learn from our own personal experience and to choose correctly next time. So, that we all can learn from our collective history as human beings. So, that we do not become slaves but a spiritually wise people whom the great Holy Father (NOT A CATHOLIC TERM) can be proud of.
It was also another realization. Do i continue to live with all of that finger point or just get on with my life and the lives of my wife and children? Blame was stealing a life worth living from me.

After you let go of all that is and has been holding you back or holding you down. Sit and quietly think about what it is you truly want out of this very short life we live. You must do this away from everything that you know. Find that peaceful and quiet place. A place of harmonious solitude. Just be with yourself. No music either. No books. Just you and you and you. What do you want? Allow that to be your new focus. Hold onto it. Work smart. Work hard. Work without cessation. Never ever go back to that place or those places which enslaved you or harmed you. Look forward to the new life you will earn for yourself and maybe your new family as well. Become both the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Allow you own children to only know first hand what continuation of the new ways of life are from you. Uphold love, peace and harmony. If you do and your children can see the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of those truths. You will truly become the father or mother of nations.
adjective: free; comparative adjective: freer; superlative adjective: freest
  1. 1.
    not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
    "I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free"
    • (of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.
      "a free press"
      synonyms:independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, self-determining, nonaligned, sovereign, autonomous; More
      "a citizen of a free nation"
    • not or no longer confined or imprisoned.
      "the researchers set the birds free"
      synonyms:on the loose, at liberty, at large; More
      loose, unconfined, unbound, untied, unchained, untethered, unshackled, unfettered, unrestrained
      "the killer is still free"
    • historical
      not a slave.
    • able or permitted to take a specified action.
      "you are free to leave"
      synonyms:allowed, permitted; More
      able, in a position to
      "you are free to leave"
    • denoting an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in World War II after the fall of their countries.
  2. 2.
    not physically restrained, obstructed, or fixed; unimpeded.
    "she lifted the cat free"
    synonyms:unimpeded, unobstructed, unrestricted, unhampered, clear, open, unblocked More
verb: free; 3rd person present: frees; past tense: freed; past participle: freed; gerund or present participle: freeing
  1. 1.
    release from captivity, confinement, or slavery.
    "they were freed from jail"
    synonyms:release, set free, let go, liberate, discharge, deliver; More
    set loose, let loose, turn loose, untie, unchain, unfetter, unshackle, unleash;
    "three of the hostages were freed"
    antonyms:confine, lock up
    • release from physical obstruction, restraint, or entanglement.
      "I had to tug hard and at last freed him"
      synonyms:extricate, release, get out, pull out, pull free; More
      rescue, set free
      "the victims were freed by firefighters"
    • remove something undesirable or restrictive from.
      "his inheritance freed him from financial constraints"
      synonyms:exempt, except, excuse, relieve, unburden, disburden More
      "they wish to be freed from all legal ties"
    • make available for a particular purpose.
      "this will free up funds for development elsewhere
Mental Freedom
Posted: June-21-2005 at 2:37am | IP Logged Quote Daken

Mental freedom, by definition, means you are a clearer expression of the constructive qualities of mind. Therefore a mentally free person should be more individual, more diplomatic, more self-expressive, more patient, more analytical, more responsible, more placid, more objective, and more understanding of others. Greater mental freedom does allow for a greater freedom of dealing with people without judging them.
One can learn from every experience. If people see things differently, it is either an opportunity to understand why and learn from them, or try and explain your own perspective. A logical perspective should elicit reasonable responses from most people.
In association, the great lesson is to learn to merge ideas without loosing one's own clarity of concept. Mental individuality is a higher level of mental freedom, and represents a state of complete self-mastery where the mind is an individualized instrument with a free expression of the inner potential. This generates a greater power of logic and analysis, because emotion is under the constructive control of the mind. Many people suffer the consequences of a lack of mental individuality, being swayed by propaganda and mass-minded influences.
Therefore, in theory a person with a degree of mental individuality is a more controlled and positive mind. No one is perfect, and we recognize that mental freedom is a growing and evolving attainment that comes in steps based upon effort. There is no magic involved...just a study of mathematics and an application to evolve the mind to be a more balanced instrument.

Edited by Daken on January-29-2008 at 6:32pm


"Make your life a constructive effort."
Alfred J. Parker, Founder
Kabalarian Philosophy
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 Spiritual Freedom
open for more understanding. The spirit is confined in the body. For some it seems to be by choice, for others it is confinement and for another group they just don't know.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life Quality: (Unedited): 19 May 2013:

The quality in how you live your life after traumatic events. Is evident in the unbelievers eyes. When your history has been revealed. C.J.MacKechnie
When your friends discover that your history has been less than desirable. They're unbelief in the story of your ugly life is the proof that you have made the right and correct decisions in your life. 

Just smile and express gratitude.

Re-assure them that it is OK. Because some who may hear may not be able to handle with this new information about your past. You may have to help them through with the living with those old memories of yours. Keeping your history of abuse, torture and abandonment a secret may be a wise thing to keep in order to protect the innocent from re-living your life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Unhealthy Blind: (Unedited): 25 March 2013:

Unhealthy Pride breeds a blind arrogance. C.J.MacKechnie
Once arrogance is manifested by a prideful person. Only instant lessons in humility can become a hopeful cure. Sometimes repeated lessons are necessary. Until the persons arrogant pride is destroyed.
If the person or leadership has become completely infested with arrogant pride. All who look up to and/or follow will also endure the suffering of complete loss, death and destruction.
With arrogant pride also comes the self permission to do whatever it may will of itself. Including sin, torture, genocide and the choice of extinction of all life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life Storms: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

Even during the rain storms of life. Something good and positive can be found if searched. 
If you are reading this and your life has been hell. Then know right this very moment. Your a survivor. Your a conqueror. Your victorious. Yes, You do not feel like one. Neither did I. But, never the less you are. Yes, the abuses and tortures you have endured were evil, bad and terrible. Yet, here you are reading this goofy quote.  Of all of the hell you have had to endure. Your strength and will defeated those who tried to end you. Your strength and will to live is proof that you won. I do understand, what I am trying to prove to you. I did not feel strong let alone a winner. I felt very much the opposite.
No matter what you have already endured in this life. Even if you think and believe that all this life has ever been is Hell on Earth. There always is something positive to learn. Even if it is a simple positive thing that people can smile at in a weird way. Such as for me. "It is not good to try and kill your adopted son (me)". I know that was probably a failed attempt at humor. That is a basic lesson to learn. It is not good to kill your children, to abuse your children, to torture your children and etc.
There are about 500,00 kids in foster care every single year in the USA and the majority of those kids have parents who did not know that one simple truth and still don't. 

Search for those positive good things which are within you. You are of great value and importance. 

You are worthy of the life you know you should have. You can give to your own children the life you always ever wanted. make the effort and make it happen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Get your hanky ready.
The National Problem with the Foster care system would end when 500,000 good Christian families become foster parents. If that were to happen. The national crime rates and gang populations would go down steadily.
This is not a problem in a few states. It is with every state in the USA and the world.
The pharmacology used against children is in itself a hells prison.
Even if you cant be a foster parent or even an adoptive parent. Mentor a foster kid and not treat them like they will be the Future Criminals of America (FCA). Kids tend to become what you expect of them to be.
:Be Sure to share and to Spread this information:


I was born to an unwed mother in 1965 Arizona. Before, I was born,. The birth father wanted my birth mother to go get the problem fixed. In which about a 45 minute drive south across the border and the problem would be solved.
I spent 5 months in the Arizona foster care system. Where I endured some kind of abuse. I assume it is related to the 20/900+ eye sight I had.
Then I was adopted by what appeared to be the perfect family.

I'll write more later. It late tonight.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blood Blindfold: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2012:

Leaving the blood red blindfold on from the abuses and tortures of your life. Will always prevent you from looking forward and ahead to the wondrous possibilities before you. C.J.MacKechnie 

 Yes, unfortunately a life time obstacle for others to overcome if they ever do. Some people seem to become to destroyed and just give up. Fully embrace apathy.
I've only met a relatively few people who have overcome the abuse and tortures of their childhood. While the overwhelming majority seem to become prisoners, mentally ill, homeless, Alcoholics, Drug addicts or pursuers of death.  
 Remove the blood red blindfold of your abuses and tortures. Begin to live a life worth living. In the here and now. The possibilities for your success in life is better than most who have never had to endure the kind of difficult hardships you have had to. You are strong. Stronger than most and like a sharp blade which must survive the fire. The strength of which cannot be understood until it is cool. You have been tempered in the fires of the life's misery and torment. Yet, you are here breathing and existing. Know that there is more. Just take off that Blood Red Blindfold. Become an inspiration to someone who is newly safe from torment and suffering. Be a hero to someone else. Stand firm and point the way out of their own self created hell. You are OK and so are they OK.
You are strong and powerful. You were to strong and to powerful for even your abusers to destroy. Your very existence is the very real evidence of their failure. Your ability to thrive in a life worth living only makes your abusers a worthless failure in all things.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Hero: (Unedited): 19 Dec 2011:

You cannot be a hero to many. Until, you are first a hero to yourself. C.J.MacKechnie
 First be your own hero and save yourself. Then through your own personal historical actions. Will then others, can become inspired enough to achieve more than the life in which they were born into.
No matter what has been done unto you. No matter how much abuse and torture you have had to endure. Save yourself by becoming your own hero. Stand up, Stand firm, Confront and conquer all of your internal demons, Adapt and overcome all of your deficiencies.
This song is Bjork "An Army of Me"  I think it is a bit difficult to listen to. Never the less the message is strong and empowering. This song is a part of the sound track to the Movie " Sucker Punch". This is the most profound Psychological movie I've ever seen. Not for kids and not for any male person who cannot see beyond the women. You gotta see beyond to get it. It is a movie about abuses, tortures and on going rape, empowerment and of course saving yourself. Sometimes saving yourself means saving others or losing yourself is saving yourself while saving others. A perfect victory.

Warning a few (More than a few!) images may (Will!) be questionable. The message is what is important.

Just so you know. I do not support Bjork as I do not know her music. The message of this one particular song is what is important. A song of self empowerment.
Here is a new video of a homeless man who is and has saved himself. He potentially saved a police officer as well. 45 Year old former gang member. This is real life make over.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Human Animal: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged and entrapped human may become a dehumanized animal. C.J.MacKechnie 
It matters not if you have been Imprisoned, Alone, Forgotten and abandoned. You may become a dehumanized animal. It matters not if you have endured much time of severe abuse and torture. You may become a dehumanized animal. There is always hope for you and within you. Even though the word hope may have been long forgotten or is an alien concept to you. The feral De-humanistic animal in which you have become is what was needed for you to survive your horrors. Once in the place of safety. Once in the environment of love, peace, harmony and life. You can now remember who you are supposed to be. Who you were supposed to become. You can now remember that you are more than an Earth animal.
Even if right at this very moment your in a prison or a cage. You do not have to become the animal the prison keepers think you are. If you are that animal. You do not have to be anymore. Search for your own spirit. Reach for that pure and holy light deep within you. That is where you will find your peace, your love, your belonging, your joy and the forgiveness of your Heavenly Father to be.
 From the depth of you. You must endure the full memory and emotion of all of your evil. From there a hard and true wisdom will grow. The kind of wisdom that incinerates the old you. Leaving behind an empty lifeless shell. This too must happen. Now begins the birth of the new wise you. A new you which can now live with your memories and a full knowledge of the terrible emotional damage you have caused. Yes, you are guilty. Yes, You must admit to all of your crimes. Yes, You are forgiven.
Now is your time to become the wise teacher. To become the soft humble destroyer or hardened prideful hearts. This is your repayment. This is your duty to freely walk the wrong way through the open gates of Hell and point the way for the souls to exit. It was Jesus who burst open the gates to free all of us. There are still those who are so entrapped by guilt that they know not the way.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No quitters: (Unedited): 24 March 2008:

The strength, courage and determination that has brought you to this exact point in your life today. Will see you into tomorrow only if you continue to take the first steps and never give up.
C.J. MacKechnie
For some of you who have endured abuses and tortures in your life. Find solace and be thankful in your survival. Pray and cry for those who have not.  It is OK. But, now is the time for you to transition from survival mode and into living a good life as defined by your own dreams. Dedicate yourself in the establishment of creating the foundation necessary to build the life of your desires. Its OK and your OK and your safe. Go forth and forward in your life. Your most deserving to see the sweet fruits of today's and tomorrows efforts.The creation of your new foundation is no where as difficult or trying as that which you have had to endure. the creation of this new foundation may be very alien to you. It is OK. Do not fear it or flee from it. Confront and conquer. Adapt and overcome with the same determination of your past.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

True Responsibility: (Unedited): 24 march 2008:

Once you realize and accept that the quality of your childhood is not your fault. The quality of your life today and tomorrow is your fault.
C.J. MacKechnie
I got caught up in all of that. Blaming everyone and everything for the misery of my life. Then it occurred to me. What now? and whats next? And who is exactly responsible for my failures in life today and tomorrow? The hard answer was ME?
So, You had been abused and tortured in your childhood and here you are now. You are now safe and free of the abuse and torture from your very own flesh and blood family. What now? Continue to be angry? Continue to hate? Continue to not care for anyone or anything? To do these things means your awful and terrible parents was right about you and they win. Don't let them be right and don't let them win. But, Then again it isn't about winning is it? Its about you right now. Its about your future that you can have. A good future worth living. A good life worth having. You survived the worst and may have almost been killed by them numerous times. This is the evidence that you are stronger than they ever were. So, Stop being stupid. Be your own hero and save yourself. Suck it up and stand firm. Go forth and achieve your dreams. Yes, it is OK to have your own dreams now. Build with your own hands the foundation of the education needed to build your dreams. To do allow the thinking of being years or decades behind your age group to hinder you, to stop you or to prevent you from achieving.
I guarantee when you begin to move forward slowly people will notice that your moving and take minimal notice. But, when you get up to speed like a massive freight train. People will move out of your way and maybe even hop aboard for your wonderful ride to come.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alter Conditioning: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2012

A child who endures and survives great cruelties put into or upon them. Can find awareness within the self and an urging to alter ones own cruel conditioning. In the internal hope of becoming a better human being.
The internal hope is key. Some children become so destroyed that they lose all knowledge of hope. Some children have been tormented and abused from such a young age. That they have no concept of what anything good is. Let alone the existence of hope, love, compassion, kindness and charity. Happiness, acceptance and satisfaction is as alien to them as real and genuine space aliens are unknown or unreal to you.  The good ending to any story is not for the abused child as they are undeserving of anything good. Fairness and equality is not fair for them either as the good people seem to shun and reject them as well. Like we/they are some kind of disease which must be avoided. The police and counselors seem to treat them as the future criminals they are to become. Can you feel the misery and hopelessness of an abused child. These are some of the things in which I experienced in my childhood. Some foster children were much more braver than I ever was. As they made that unwise logical connection that it would be safer for them to live on the streets then it would to remain in the foster care system.
No matter
Can you imagine the below videos having children in them
Abandoned children.
Can you imagine a child who has this as their only expectation in life.
My first night in the foster care system for the second time. Was spent in the juvenile detention Center. My only crime was being adopted by bad parents. 
Foster Care Child Abuse News: ------ ---- -------- ------ -------

I can go on with the videos. The problem isn't entirely in the foster care system. It is also with the original parents or in my case the adoptive parents. Those parents who have done terrible things to their own children. All of the abuses, tortures that a child endures can all be altered with love, kindness, compassion and acceptance. The conditioning of abuse can be altered. There is hope. There is always hope.
Added on 07 Feb 2016:
My story was an impossible one to endure and yet not as impossible as the millions who have endured far more than I could have ever endured. Yet, In this day there are hundreds of thousands of children who will be abused by their own parents, step parents or by the boyfriend. Some will die, disappear and forgotten.
Foster care abuse just in the last month. Just one month of research in a few minutes.
YouTube videos. Some videos a couple of years old.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Righteous Man: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2006

A righteous man seeks holiness and not religion. A righteous man pursues the right path, the right action and right thinking. C.J.MacKechnie
Acceptance from the Religious authority or from the social cultures within any religion will not be the motivational factors when following the traditions within the religion. The laws and rules for living a life of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER are followed by logical choice without any threat or fear applied. There is no self flogging, self abuse, self torture or struggle. By his or her choice and without any outside conditional manipulation on anyone's or anythings part. The person decides to live a life in accordance to GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER will.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Historical Experience: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2012:

When the logic of your historical experience is contrary to your current existence. There was and still is GOD.
This is for all of you who have endured great abuse and torture in your life. For all of you who have escaped certain death and destruction more than once. It matters not if you are still completely angry with GOD or have even rejected HIS existence. If there is no logical explanation as to why and how you could have survived. But you did. It was GOD who skewed the incredible odds against you into your favor. You have escaped doom. You have escaped more times than should have been possible. Yet, here you are. So, What do you do now? Do you continue on your apathetic path in your current state of merely existing? Do you continue to hate and be angry while causing innocent souls to have a taste of what victimization that you have had to continuously endure?  All without mercy and compassion for you. There were no humans who came to your rescue. The good people who discover your nature outright rejects you. So, What do you do now? The apathy, hate and anger will kill you from the inside. The victim that you are or were is still within you and your nightmares. Will you allow fear and distrust guide your existence?
GOD saved you. There is a reason for him allowing you to live. Pray and meditate to GOD with all of your hate and anger. Discover for yourself the truth of your own reality as well as HIS reasons and purposes for you. If you want answers to your questions. That is the only way to get your answers. No one can speak for GOD but GOD himself. Just be watchful for the message of an answer to be presented to you.
You may discover that you were just worth it. You have value. That HE cared for you. That you have a message to tell. So, that others can learn and evolve. Not everyone can walk through hell and survive. Not everyone can stay and remain in hell and yet retain their identity. Not everyone can live in hell, escape and return again. Have you done that? Can you do that?
Jesus Christ broke the gates of hell and yet souls remain. Can you see or are you still blind? Can you hear my message or are the sound of these photons deafening?
You are Beautiful.
You are Treasured.
You are Sacred.
You are HIS.
Love, Peace, Harmony, joy, Freedom and Life can still be yours to have. It is His gift and desire for you.
This was written by a person who was once not worth a dime. Someone who was too dumb, to stupid to be worth educations time. Someone who was told that he should have never been adopted. And etc.
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver" 